new york

week 48: momofuku ko

 molly! i did it!
exclaimed my teacher as he flung open the door to my practice room, circa a year ago.
did what, gordon? i ask. 
i got a reservation at 
mo mo fu ku ko!!!
{at where?}
david chang's restaurant! it's close to impossible to get a reservation there! it's all done on the internet and you have to go online at a specific time and pray that you get a seat! but i did it! and it's going to be outstanding! and my brother is flying in from paris this week! and he is going to come with me and it is going to be just incredible.
i had heard of a momofuku before... but, really, i had no idea what going to ko really meant. this was before the restaurant challenge, it was before i would ever be so brave as to try an 11-course meal {did i even eat 11 different foods back then??}
as i listened to gordon's details of the strenuous reservation process, i nodded, took note, and then continued to worry about my forthcoming lesson. but an idea had been planted... 
gordon's enthusiasm for restaurants was, in fact, one of the main inspirations for restaurant challenge.
so here it is. a nod to gg, my experience at ko:   
the first course set a standard for the whole meal. 
it schooled me.
it said,
you are about to eat a lot of foods that you normally hate, but this time you are going to enjoy them.
like this broccoli.
it was the third time i ever ate broccoli. 
and, yeah, it rocked. and i submitted. do your thing, chefs.
fish 1 & fish 2.
fish 1 was fine, but to sooth me from the shock of eating straight-up fish, i needed those crunchy onions.
fish 2 was the solidified smell of a nice fish store. best fish i ever ate... also maybe the fourth fish i ever ate.
easy. my comfort. 
but i'm starving and this dish is tiny, can i have a bowl of pasta please? 
 hah! did you read my mind?
can i have more?
note: the order of the courses from here on out is a little blurry.
someone insisted on the beverage pairing.
this course scared me a little. it was like, 
mushroom mushroom mushroom,
mushroom foam,
unidentified thing,
i gave it my all and tried my best, but in the end i only really enjoyed the pineapple.
sorry, shrooms. it's not you, it's the times...

the golden section, kind of.
this is the only course i knew of going into the meal.
it is a poached egg whose recipe in the momofuku book is humbling, to say the least.
but the perfect spoonful was like the breakfast you'd want on the last day of your honeymoon.
let's talk about this for a second. 
it is foie gras that has been frozen and then grated, and looks like parmesan cheese. and then it is with a sour-y riesling jelly and a sweet nutty brittle. 
it was really out. 
and eating it, i meditated on what it means to be frozen and then shredded. and then i made myself not think about what it means to be frozen and then shredded. 
and then it occurred to me that somewhere, there is an alien toddler that will not stop crying until she gets this for dessert.
turnip virginity, stolen.
duck that's not inside of a steamed bun virginity, gone. 
turnips are good! unoffensive and really quite adorable.
the duck was good too. by the time it came, i was sincerely craving a cut of meat. 
the only thing better than
it's time for your dessert.
it's time for your first dessert.
there were three main flavors in this course. each as equally distinct from the rest, each as sassy.
calamansi. vanilla{?} ginger.
the second dessert had the burden of revealing that it was time to go back to reality now. 
the chewy, gooey apple cake said winter. it is winter outside and you have to go outside when you are done with me. 
 it was time to snap out of the trance that that damn secret clubhouse of a restaurant puts you in.
our time had come, the ko was done.
after weeks of planning,
after hours in a practice room, shedding my ko reservation technique,
and after two and a half hours of "what's the next course? ooh. that was good. ok, what's next? and then??"
the future was now. and then it was then.
adieu, sweet ko.

...four more to go.



momofuku ko is on 1st ave at 10th st.

week 44: community food & juice

 in the event that your bike was hit by a truck,
that the korean taco truck closes as you roll up on a broken bike,
that you're freezing your tookus off,
your professor is in the hungarian pastry shop,
and pisticci's wait was longer than the radio city christmas spectacular...
your only possible cure is comfort food. 
cuddle-under-a-300,000-thread-count-goose-feather-duvet-with-me comfort food.
but if it comes from a diner, you'll cry. because you need a new restaurant for your stupid blog challenge.
the upper west side's diner-plus
(it's got hardwood floors and organic vodka)
so gimme some mac and cheese:
and matzoh ball soup:
 and something really strong called a huckleberry smash.
 top everything with tabasco sauce and ketchup.
nerrmind that it needed a lotta tobasco, i woulda eaten anyfing at that point.
and let's pretend like this week wasn't stupidy poopidy.

that's it.
happy weekend everyone! 
love you all.


community food & juice is on broadway between 112th and 113th

week 43: the token awful one

 it had to happen sometime, no?
i don't really want to talk about it.
because this is a happy blog, goddamnit. 
not a the-cheese-in-this-fritter-tastes-like-it-was-once-powdered blog.
and certainly not a hold-on-a-sec-while-i-scrape-away-all-of-the-fat-on-this-pukey-looking-pork-that-i'm-going-to-try-anyways-because-it-costs-half-my-rent blog.
molly is a sad sad queasy barfy panda :-[
the good that came spewing out of this situation {like projectile style} was a lovely hang with wonderful friends,
and the reaffirmed belief that the only foods that should ever be consumed on the upper west side are
and bagels
and pizza.
pray that i make up for this one in my remaining nine restaurants.



this restaurant has already been blocked out of my memory. don't ask me where it is or i'll hit you with the grumpy stick.

week 42: hill country chicken

fried chicken is an acquaintance of mine.
i've met it before, it says hi to me in the hallways, and i certainly have nothing against it... 
but in my wee days, when faced with the two children's menu staples of chicken fingers or mac and cheese,
my choice was always, always, always mac and cheese. 
something about the inconsistency of the breading from wansternaut to wansternaut is probably what did it.
{sorry, wansternaut is restaurant in wee me talk}
i simple never developed that intimate relationship with chicken fingers that i have with so many other foods.
but with today's visit to 
i finally have a trusted friend in fried chicken.
in making up for lost time {or in saving room for pie at the end}
i got a kids meal :-)
two everythingisbiggerintexas chicken tenders
can you pretty please substitute my fries for 
cheesey mashed tatoes
a buttermilk biscuit!
and an ample amount of honey mustard, hot sauce, honey, and ketchup. mmmmm sauce!
wow those are some juicy chicken tenders!!!
juicy and sweet and soft. and the protective shell was thick and crunchy and... oh it all tasted so fresh!
it transcended the impressions that my childhood chicken tenders had ingrained in me. 
so yummy. and even yummier was this sequence:
dip a chickens in hot sauce, then dip it in honey mustard, then eat it, and then immediately take a bite of the biscuit 
{to create the illusion of a biscuit sandwich}
the mashed tatoes were fine. i kept praying they'd turn into mac and cheese. but you can't eatem all. 
dessert was a baby pie!!
it's happening, it's really happening:
pies are the new donuts which were the new cupcakes until pies became the new cupcakes. 
and by commutative property:
pies are the new cupcakes.
whoopie!!!!!! {no pun intended, but get it? i thought it was clev.}
anyways, as much as i wanted to report back that i ate an apple cheddar pie,
i was way more in the mood for the 
whiskey buttermilk pie!
 it was adorable. almost like a lighter, soupier crack pie. 
the whiskey took me a second to register. but it's there. oh it's there.

dear hill country chicken,
thanks for making me a friend in fried chicken.
also thanks for being there for all of the people who think they want kfc but would rather enjoy a finer meat and a longer life. 



hill country chicken is on the corner of 25th and broadway
 {a block away from its mommy, hill country barbecue}