new york

a few of my favorite new york places...

{for a certain miss ema that will be making her way to the island in a few days...}

for chrismikah present shopping...

the best little girlie chochkies
from new designers
...and the gift wrapping is the best part!

for some late night greasy food...

the BEST belgian fries and a zillion sauces.
and they're served in a cone!
also open way past my bed time.

performance venue

sometimes there are bizzaro things going on in this joint.
but other times there are awesome things like my friends' bands!


half dance club, half concert venue
full bar
their concerts are wayyy to hip for me. but i try anyways :-)

thrift store

in brooklyn!
it's HUGE and simply too good to be true.

tea time

(dear ema,
i am actually ordering you to go here.
you will not regret it.)
their pumpkin scones = heaven!


(duh.. who doesn't have an inner carrie bradshaw?)


they have a green tea and a chocolate soufflé cupcake!

shopping areas

bleecker street
1 train to christopher street
(marc jacobs, BABY marc jacobs, mulberry, magnolia, intermix, olive and bettes, jack spade, cynthia rowley)

b or d train to broadway-lafayette

L train to bedford
cute little antique and thrift shops
and shops where you can get things that you will NOT find anywhere else!
(and no, ema, not williamsburg, virginia :-)


in brooklyn.
just allow yourself for about a two hour wait, no joke!
and worth it.
delicious sicilian!

dumont burger in williamsburg
5napkin burger (my favorite of the faves!)

burger joint at le parker meridien
landmarc at the time warner center in columbus circle

more food and drinksies

a whole restaurant devoted just to mac and cheese?
yes please.

home to one of the best meals of my life!
if you're into wienerschnitzel :-)

cheap, authentic japanese food.
you crouch on little stools while they play japanese songs from the 30s.

a total establishment.
they didn't allow women in until recently.
and there's saw dust on the ground for easier cleaning of puke and blood.
just two kinds of beer- light and dark,
and crackers + the spiciest mustard you've ever had in your life.

this place is huge and half of it is outdoors.
i sometimes feel hipped out by the native downtowners...
but it's fun anyways :-)

...and you can always just go on a dumpling tour


i've never actually been here,
but it's a park built on an old elevated train rail.
i hear it is super awesome fawesome.


i mean, of course there's always lady libs.
what up, miss thang?

and when your feet are killing you from all that running around...

pedis + drinks.
'nuff said.

have so much fun, ema!!



adventures in williamsburg!

high school bestie sarah was in town from indiana this weekend...

...and we were craving an adventure

so we packed up the plastic,
hopped on the L train,
and got off at bedford

our first stop was lux eye where i found ^these^ glasses
(fyi, since the great eye glasses catastrophe of august 2009, i have been totally blind!)
it's on bedford and north 8th i believe
it's so new, it doesn't even have a website yet!
their glasses are so fun and the prices are so good, it is just too good to be true!

next up was beacon's closet
on n. 11th between berry and wythe
it's a huuuuge fantastic thrift store!
i found a kickass red leather jacket with puffy shoulders
(totally 80s rawk star like)
for twenty moneys!

we also visited some of the smaller boutiques along bedford...

is a cute homey little antique shop with lots of old cameras and pictures and type writers...
i found a big vintage key to put on a chain and wear on my neck
(who needed a tiffany's key anyways?)

& and hilarious jewelry (like the mustache necklaces below...)
and cute cards.
and other fun chochkies.

i luv catbird and now i know where i'm holiday shopping...

of course all of this exploring made us hungry...
so upon recommendation from a native williamsburger,
we went to

sarah and i split a burger and their mac and cheese.
the burger was pretty darn good.
definitely up to par with 5 napkin
maybe not as good as landmarc
better than burger joint.

the mac and cheese was some of the best i've had (and that's a lot!)
they use gruyere and cheddar
and radiatore pasta- which i've never seen used in mac before.
it worked almost better than shells because there was more surface area in each noodle and thus more room for an even cheesey coating, as opposed to shells with their little pools of cheese in the middle.
also the bread crumbs were perfectly crispy.
and herr waiter didn't look at me weirdly when i asked for hot sauce and ketchup for it.

our final stop was barcade
which, to be honest, i think it is a little overrated.
there is only so much fun you can have losing at tetris over and over and over.

but the point is,

williamsburg rocks!



p.s. i noticed all of the girls in williamsburg putting little wings on their eyes with liquid eye liner. i'm into it. i think?

apartment painting is finally (FINALLY) finished!

i've always wanted a red door...

{fun things with chalkboard paint}

purple bathroom!
door to my bathroom with chalkboard people... 
{so roomie and i can dress them and draw faces and stuff}

chalkboard paint in purple bathroom :-)

{living room. roomie making reeds.}

isn't roomie a good drawer??

some shots from the long and treacherous process...

my room matches meester gnome perfectly!

pictures of my room to follow... once i get in my sweet gold curtains and the look is complete...

yay painting is finished painting is finished yayayayayyyyy!!!!!!

it only took us about a week...

and it reminded me of the time when mum and i painted her room at old house. 

when she wasn't looking, i dropped trow and put a butt print on the wall in wet paint. 




cute little things in my apartment that i am oh so very fond of

1. the mezuzah that mum made me

2. the brian bell

future second husband brian brought me this for-realsies cowbell back from switzerland. i can't wait to use it for mahler!

3. the lollipop jar

4. yiddish magnetic poetry

thanks mum! and hello sister stoop!

5. the aunt cathy apron hook

6. the c+m salt n peppa shakers

7. mr. gnome

thank you for housing my loose change, meester gnome.

