
soundcheck cookies!

this morning i'm on double cookie duty, packing up cookies for the first rehearsal of sumeida's song and for the san fermin show tonight! i'm super excited but i don't have time to write anything else because i took way too many minutes playing with colorful jimmies and cookie dough and also ellis says i have to look cool for the show tonight but i haven't a clue how to do that. you guys, how do i look cool?! halp!


meet gretchen.

last weekend i adopted the most beautiful little piano and named her gretchen. seven pounds, a million ounces, she's a honey among dijons, the light of my aural life. but molly, you don't even play the piano and you nearly failed piano class. i know, i know, she's not for me. {well sometimes she is, like last night when the internet went out and my evening turned into a hashing through of bach fugues and beatles tunes.} gretchen is here mostly because one big part of my fantasy world involves days spent cooking in my sunny kitchen while eggboy or any of my other friends practice or write songs or rehearse in my living room. and also so that after a long delicious dinner my guests and i can sit with a glass of laphroaig and do a tipsy sing-along of mozart and cee lo green.  gretchen better primp herself because she's going to be leading an active social life here in brooklyn. *cue the stage mom tendencies.*


scones with a side of tambourine

this morning i am having a big honking breakfast and studying carmina burana. i hope my little tambourine rolls aren't disturbing the neighbors. but then again, i'm pretty sure the little ones have gone off to preschool... and another neighbor plays the saxophone. 

this pumpkin scone leftover from a few weeks ago is almost as good after it has been frozen and thawed as it was fresh. note to self: buy more butter, make more scones. i'm afraid of putting marmalade on it though because marmalade-y fingers, i am sure, do not a good tambourine roll make. 

happy thursday, everyone! it's almost the weekend it's almost the weekeeennndddd!!!!


a late fall playlist

for the soups and the stews,
the evenings spent indoors,
the thanksgiving treks,
and the start of marzipan season:
a little mix of my new favorites.

{overexposed soup}
best enjoyed by candlelight.

{1} i saw three ships :: sufjan stevens
{2} i should watch t.v. :: david byrne & st. vincent
{3} train song :: feist & ben gibbard
{4} courante :: caroline shaw/roomful of teeth
{5} city middle :: the national
{6} holy, holy, holy :: sufjan stevens
{7} conversation 16 :: the national
{8} you're an angel, and i'm gonna cry :: chris thile
{9} escape :: judd greenstein/nadia sirota
{10} ansa ya :: merrill garbus/roomful of teeth
{11} ice age :: david byrne & st. vincent
{12} where are the arms :: gabriel kahane

you may listen to it here.

