
iron & pinot

last year i discovered iron and wine and since then all i want to do is listen to that man on repeat tell me to please remember him and whisper his other no b.s. lyrics all honestly and calmly like he does. i want to be in his sound's world: barefoot on a candlelit porch in the woods, swaying and almost drunk. someone cover me with the pretty anthemic blanket.

over the weekend, jaclyn and luke and i had a little hummus and pinot picnic and then watched iron and wine perform at ravinia. it was absolutely lovely and beard-filled.


learning music.

learning new music is such a struggle for me. i'm slow, i get distracted, my brain goes all googly's one of those things that i have to brute force and get over in order to really enjoy playing music. if i could have two superpowers, one would be to have the entire repertoire implanted into my head so that all i have to do is whip out my sticks and go to town. {but if i could only have one superpower, it would be to have a bottomless stomach. that goes without saying?}

anyways, learning lots of notes is what i've been doing for the past week and what i will do for the next few weeks. everything else is just what happens when i'm on a practice break. the onion pie snacktimes, the foam roller romps, photoshop lessons... all in between sessions of forcibly stuffing my brain with f-sharp runs and weird chords.

it'll pay off, molly. says future self who is eating post-performance reception cheese.


summertime, commence

the mustards are packed {most of them at least},
the city is far behind,
 johnswik is in the backyard, reading his comics,
george gershwin has a sexy summertime do, 
in which he flaunts his dainty legs,
 and stoopie finally gave me a good smile!
 she also welcomed me home with lemon curd stoopie cakes. yum!
hello audrey,
hello sun,
hello bonfires and tomatoes and late night swims,
hello the summer to end all summers!!!

removing magnetic poetry from my fridge, bite me.

slash: things i'd rather be doing right now.
 eating strawberry rhubarb pie in a field with rob.
 preparing little cheese plates for my friends.
 playing marimbas in the woods with mike.
 engaging in friday night pizza night, by way of grandaisy.
 dancing until dawn in a tent on a farm.
 being, just, way too cool.
 getting a birdie flock tattoo.
 making self timer pictures on the williamsburg bridge with jason while he wears grandpa shorts.
instead i am taking a huevo torta//#whatshouldwecallme conservatory break from packing my entire apartment. packing is the worst. i'd rather eat a banana. mark my word, i'm never moving again unless it involves telepathically transporting my cotton candy machine, multiple fondue pots, and antique pyrex collection. and girl, i haven't even started on the mustards. the horror. luckily the radical face internet radio station is delivering exactly what i want. 
unluckily, i think it's time to carry on packing.