
music things

the past week has included a variety of memorial concerts for 
the molly mobile 
{in case you dint know, she's less a wheel and a seat and i'm surely not ready for a unicycle in this life}
the first was the music of steve reich.
he is the guy in the middle with the baseball cap and his eyes closed because it was either this picture or a picture with mrs. cellist bending over and caleb craning his neck to look at imaginary things.
if you haven't heard the music of steve reich, you should because it is the musical equivalent to everything your parents did in the 70s. 
and then a performance of the entire daphnis et chloé went down and if mr. stick wasn't such an emotional tiger when he conducted i would have fallen asleep in between my 1st and 2nd/last notes. no really. i mean that in the best way possible though because yannick nézet-séguin really is the real thing. like i wish the entire audience could have been seated behind the orchestra to witness what was happening on the podium at the third peak in the second suite. there are no words to explain how outrageous it was.
oh and then this happened today. 
because after all, it is a music school.
 it was like tuba christmas, jr.




marker fumes
a typewriter
and saw,
5 drumsets, one a little weirder than the rest...
a soloist that mimes a mean mascara.

alice tully hall
{the juilliard percussion ensemble}



new music bake sale!!

after the vendys, i somehow squeezed out some more energy to hail a cab and get to fort greene for the
i was so in the spirit, i made little coconut cupcakes that looked like drums for a percussion group to sell.
have you ever heard of a better idea than combining baked things/people with new music?
i haven't. well. actually it's about as equally a good idea as spending a day on an island with a shitton of food trucks.
in addition to cookies and cakes, 
there were bagpipes, and face paint, and mellissa hughes dressed as a blow-up sex doll {?!?}, and, yes i promise you, plenty of bass clarinet.
the line up was very fun. i love seeing what all these composers have been a brewin!
i can't wait for next year. also can there be a new music steak sale?



practicing the xylphones, sitting in class, and eating cafeteria food do not an exciting life make.

but i have, in recent past, hung out with some cows and my little cousin {she's the one in the purple, the cows are the ones in the black and white}
and i made the above drawring in french class of george gershwin and gracie.
did i tell you i speak french now? it was almost enough to order a croque madame at the little french cafe that i went to in williamsburg a few days ago. but then it wasn't enough so it ended up being something like, "can i have a croque madame s'il vous plait et un... iced coffee?" i'm getting there.
i also began teaching again!! yay little kids. only a majority of my students this year are about one watermelon taller than me. so if i assign one too many rudiments, i face the possibility of them beating me up. evs. 
furthermore, i write for a music blog now! it's called campusounds and it's about college musicians around the world. i just interviewed one of my fave dinosaur/composer hybrids, armand ranjbaran. he's the goofiest person ever but also really smart, so read about him. 

other then that. my life is back to cafeteria honey mustard, counting rests... and then yesterday i learned about twelve bar blues. {no comment}.

