
a retirement party

{stoopie + me, one thousand years ago}
before there was music,
there was ice skating.
i skated every day. i did the twirlies and the swirlies...
and at one point i could even land an axel!!
i was pretty much kristi yamaguchi's biggest nightmare. 

oh, and the little outfits... don't even get me started.
yesterday, one of the greatest coaches in the business retired.
toni was loved. and feared. and inspiring.
in the way that madame boulanger probably was, in the way that miss cox is.
you know, that way when it's 5 am and someone is chasing you around the ice and you're afraid you'll get yelled at if your arms aren't straight enough or your crossovers aren't powerful enough, if your mohawks aren't sharp enough or your lunges aren't low enough. {don't forget to smile} oh to be singled out in front of your team, oy vey, you didn't want that. but still you know it will pay off. like when your team is carrying home the trophy. the trophy. whatup, trophy. 
toni's teams got lots of those.
and so yesterday i greeted and congratulated the real toni,
and three life-size cardboard cutouts of her. 
{btw, if ever there are life-size cardboard cutouts of me at my retirement party, i give you full permission to deface them via sharpie mullets}
congratulations, toni!!
{don't mess with the best cause the best don't mess!}


i'm on a diet.

well, no, that's not entirely true: 
my wallet is. 
and so i have decided to make things in my kitchen now that i can eat. 
however, this in effect has caused me to not eat like poo for the past few days because the nutrition facts on things at the food store can really scare a girl away. 
not only that, but also
there is a song on my upcoming recital that requires the performer to be a little bit nudy. 
{of course, i will not be inappropriately so, but still}
...and so for the next few months, fried foods* and pigs and cows will not be in my eating repertoire.
*the exception, of course, is my weekly thursday schnitzel
so i guess i am on a diet. 
which is annoying because i really want a scotch egg.
learning to make food will be good for me though. 
because when people ask,
do you cook?
i think yes. when i am at home, i stand in the kitchen, and talk to my mom who is doing god knows what and then magically there is something new and cool to eat on the table!
but i say no :-(, lest they invite themselves over for a meal.
so here are the things that i have learned to make recently, and their respective recipes:

polenta and turkey bolognese: open up the polenta tube, slice it, pour over trader joe's turkey bolognese, bake it.
little potatoes: put olive oil, salt, and pepper on little potatoes. bake them.
gingerbread: follow the directions on the box! i like this one.
medium boiled egg: poke a little hole in the bottom of an egg and place it in an egg maker, add the right amount of water to the egg maker, turn on the egg maker {set it and forget it}

ok. that is round one. maybe in a few days i'll show you pictures of my little lunches. they soooo cute.


happy birthday mum!!!!!!!!!

it's mommy's birthday!!!
this is a picture of her, as accurately as my drawring skills would allow.
isn't she pretty???
she's the best mama ever!
i miss her so so much 
and i wish she was here right now so i could bake her a gossip girl cake and take her to wallse and to the schnitzel truck and to see one of them broadway shows.
i also wish that whoever stole the blueberry lemon verbena jam that i bought for her would get hit by a moped. 
i love you, mum!

