
fig & olive

i knew it was going to be an eventful evening when friend peter showed up to music history class in a tie and vest.
he, miss maria, miss christel, and i sat together in the corner,
 giddy with excitement,
and planning our attack via menu research on our blackberries
{forget learning about chansons. sorry, mr. verdrager}

...add our friend jia,
and peter got himself a date
with 3 1/2 asian ladies!

meatpacking disctrict
is in one of my favorite little areas of new york. 
with its cobblestone streets,
and close proximity to the river,
it almost is more like a seaside village than new york city.
and i've only ever stumbled upon on it while aimlessly wandering the island,
so until that evening, 
it was merely a magical tangent universe that had no real relation to the city.

f&o is total swank.
as in,
forget about good quality pictures because our dim mood lighting is more important,
let's put on some healz and grab some arm candy cause WE are gonna be SEEN. 

deciding what to order was more of a puzzle,
as it was our mission to order everything on the menu.
it went a little something like this:

peter: ok. i'm getting the veal and paella.
maria: good. i'm getting the fish soup and pork.
christel: BITCH i was gonna get the pork
peter: now, ladies, let's not cause a scene.
christel: fine. i'm getting the steak tartar.
me: i'm thinking of getting the chick--
me: beef. i meant i was getting the beef.

in the end it really didn't matter who ordered what because when the food was served,
a game of musical forks began.
you'd prepare a forkfull of the correct ratios,
and then pass it to someone across the table.
i mean talking about swapping spit.
eating your own dish was almost faux pas,
but i liked this style of eating!

i tried, for the first time,
salmon tartar
steak tartar
fish soup

and my favorites of the meal were,

the chicken which was herbed oh so verrry perfectly
my steak which i tried to order medium well but got death stares from peter and so i got it less well,
and it was tasty nonetheless and it had a full slab of butter on top of it and i almost keeled over and died 
the veal which was like butta. not butter, butta.

and the dessert...

...was a fabulous white chocolate mousse

and adorable dessert crostini with cherries.
they were so rich and the cookies so buttery,
so good,
and i was into the creativity of it all.

the meal was absolutely fabulous.
the food was so consistent and tasty,
and being with awesome friendsies made it one big party.

in the end,
it was almost ruined by a butt face mid life crises manager.
the details are unimportant.
what is important,
is that thanks to this,
maria, jia, christel, peter and i, shall be returning to fig & olive
 peter's date with 3 1/2 asians, round 2
courtesy of fig and olive

...stay tuned...



fig and olive has two locations, in addition to the one in the meatpacking district: lex between 62nd and 63rd, and 52nd between fifth and madison.