jewish and israeli food

gingerbread mustard.

meet the newest {and possibly most expensive} addition to my collection. it's one of those things you see at the bedford cheese shop that you can't not get, and it's really quite lovely.
on first taste and smell it's difficult to spot the gingerbread, and it doesn't help that the ingredient list is the opposite of specific, featuring a very vague "...aroma, spices."
but when you take a moment to put the jar on your face like a gas mask and breath in ever so slightly, you get it. right at the front of your nose. and then again, when you spoon feed it to yourself for a third time, you really get it. {à la those BAM "and then it hits you" subway ads, i hope you know what i'm talking about} ...which isn't what you'd expect, but it's playing hard to get and i like it.

it's also rather dry and smokey. i put it on a salami sandwich, but i think the flavor will mesh better with something more mild, like turkey. i really don't want to go through this mustard too quickly, but at the same time i do so that i can use the pretty jar as a pencil cup!


when what you've eaten for a weekend has consisted of three lenny's bagels, a frozen tofu burrito, and a slice of koronet pizza, it is only appropriate to top it all off with a schnitzel,
as you enjoy the corner of the universe that can take down any suburban christmas-crapped lawn in a battle of i have more ridiculous christmas shit than you...
actually, this just occurred to me: does anyone remember that 90s kidsongs show or whatever where the kids shrink and then ride an ornament {or a sleigh} into the insides of a christmas tree?
well, i do, and that's exactly how it felt.  
justit h8ed it. 
but that's what happens when you're 100% vegetarian in a german restaurant.
i thought it was deeeelicious! the spaetzle nubbins were big and doughy and buttery, just how i like em. and the paprika sauce is exactly like kuhn's, in illinois. it made me even more excited to go home for the holidays and have a mum and me schnitzel. 
the schnitzel {i got chickens} was yummy. maybe not yummy enough to come here when it isn't christmas time, but still tasty.
this is what happens with a slow shutter speed and the ability to turn your head on the axis of your left eye. idk.
anyways, i am realllly into the christmas vibe right now.
my schedule is color coded with christmas colors,
my tree is doing mighty fine,
and oh yeah i'm jewish.