jewish and israeli food

good things come in small sticky packages from across the pond

sam is one of those people that knows exactly what you're thinking when it's 4am and you find a stray frozen pizza lurking around on the maazel farm
duh, let's make it and eat it under this blanket fort that we've just made. 
and then let's go visit the zonkey 
and climb on the hay stacks until daytime. 
{sam + me + a fly swatter + a fish bowl, summer 2009}

...such events make sam worthy of a special, special place in my heart. a place that can only be trumped by the gift of a little honey-coated parcel arriving on my desk from cornwall!
and it is no joke. like, i'm eating it with a fork right now, imagining that i'm cornish. the seeds have a really great, meaty texture, and the taste is quite mild {with just a sparkle of hotness}. 
i can't wait to pile this on to everything.
thank you, sam!!!!
oh. and as if this wasn't reason enough that sam is killer, he is in 
an oompah band that plays ricky martin and michael jackson covers.

scarves + schnitzels

i'm not actually convinced that fall is here for good yet.
it came quite abruptly, no?
either way, i acted like fall this weekend.
i put on my big fat scarf and rode around town...
i swung by the hester street fair to eat a sweet onion schnitzel,
made a mental note to make punkin bread this week,
and observed the leaves for signs of color-changing. none yet!

and then i rode off to long island city for my first trip to p.s. 1,
which was disappointing because i actually think that 
i'm one of those dumb people who the smart visual art people 
look down upon for not understanding their work. 
so i rode to greenpoint and ate a peter pan donut... 
and then made some art of my own 
with wood shapes and things i found on the ground.
i also watered some plants, 
ate a pancake, 
and played around with silly camera settings...
and did a very unfall thing by way of 
trying a million zillion flavors of frozen yogurt at sixteen handles.
it was pretty much the perfect weekend.
except for when i had to cough every five seconds during a 30 minute babbitt piece at greg's recital. which is a lot of having to cough, and a lot of fearing to be that person that coughs during the babbitt. 
but who needs cough drops when you have the corner taco truck.


{my silly mum! who has a wicked mac and cheese recipe} something i wish i observed more often.
on fridays i could come home from work,
prepare a yummy meal,
then have all of my humans over for yummies, laughings, & good conversation.
it would last well into the nighttime, but time wouldn't exist.
on saturdays, i'd go for a walk,
or read some cookbooks.
perhaps i'd even take a nap.
maybe it'll happen... oh just maybe,
 when my list of museums and markets to go to on a saturday dwindles. 
anyways. yesterday, i had a piece posted on the forward's blog about my favorite shabbats {which were at camp} go read it!


lovers reunited

a summer without the schnitzel truck
is like anything without mustard.
it is a little scary and i never want to do it again.
we finally reunited yesterday and i got something newish: 
eggplant schnitzel 
with spicy mayo 
and we embraced each other i ate it on the high line.
which was perfect, because the high line has great benches, and enough of them*
*one day i'll discuss my extensive knowledge of benches, because i have one. 
my mom can attest to it. 
and can i confess something? before that i'd never had eggplant.
well, maybe i have and it was mixed with something and i just didn't know it. 
but this was the first time i ordered an eggplant-focused thing
and it was so great! 
and not just because animal babies weren't killed in the process,
but also because it had a sweet yummy taste and a new texture i've never before met in a schnitzel.
schnitzel truck, i missed you so much omg

p.s. on the subject of schnitzel {story of my life}: here is a little piece i wrote about a new israeli schnitzel place that is launching this weekend