jewish and israeli food

mosquitoes: 1, molly: 0

dear mosquitoes,
one day, i will throw my clean hands to the wind and smack every one of you. i will run around like a crazy killer woman and none of you will see the light of day ever again. because you are big, fat, pooey buttfaces and everyone hates you and no one will come to your birthday party and no one will ask you to prom. so there!
love and pesticides,
dear humans,
don't worry. it's not so bad. i have itch cream and, i mean, who needs legs anyways? the mosquitoes didn't completely ruin my day, for today was zip line training day. i went on the zip line over and over and over and over and i learned how not to kill kids when they zip. it was wonderful. the first time up i was reminded of how much of a geezer i'm becoming because it seems i have early symptoms of a fear of heights. i never used to. as i zipped more and more it got easier though. phew
oh, and good news: i found the hard-to-find mister mustard at walmart. go figure. i look all around the big city for this sucker and the second i get to tiny town, u.s.a, there it is staring me in the eye as i jump up and down in silent excitement. you don't want to know what went through my head when i learned that the cafeteria here doesn't have mustard. is that a reason to quit a job? the one place where you have to eat doesn't have mustard
{i'll shut up now}.


p.s. the bánh mì craving is back. wtf.

{photos 2 & 4 are courtesy of kyle sherman}

on the road: first stop, zingerman's!

1. zing!!
2. always judge a specialty store by its mustard selection
3. mum + ann arbor's second first greatest attraction: mr. rob knopper, ladies and gentleman!
4. i don't know
5. rob and i are in a pickle
6. possibly even better than our sandwiches, the pretzel and carrot top snackee we got for the road!

mum and i drove a hundred million billion zillion gazillion miles today. we are currently a frisbee throw's distance away from niagara falls! we made it so that zingerman's and rob would be on our way and it was so great. everything is so fresh and everyone is so friendly there. by far the best part is that you can sample anything in the store that you want. even the ibericos and the banyuls and the taza chocolates, like whoa. my favorites were the local strawbees with balsamic and the carrot top hummus. and the magic brownies and the mac & cheese. and the pickles and the pesto and the hot chocolate cake... oh yeah, that is why i feel barfy right now... oh well anyways, this place made me really happy.
