jewish and israeli food

it was a two mustard day.

for lunch i had turkey on challah (holla!) with
(total emphasis on the smooth)

and then at fairway i couldn't decide between
and i bought both...

the honeycup mustard is fantastic! it has a consistency that's more like a jelly.
and you taste it and you're like,
"oh just another honey mustard..."
and then when you least expect it,
there is a surprise BITE!

hehe. loves it. yay!


friend craig and i saw
last night

it was so beautiful.
there were so many shocking little details in the simplest of scenes
that made me completely awe struck at some points.
and the images of paris were breath taking.
the ending was interestingly mediocre...
but it didn't really matter. (if that even makes sense?)
i highly recommend it.

"if we never did anything,
we wouldn't be anybody"
-jenni from an education



a bit on food

1. i recently went to chinatown and brought home enough frozen bao to feed a squad of sumo wrestlers.
some have red bean, and the rest have various meats (oh yeah, i'm over that vegetarian thing).
i had a mixed variety for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today.
i'm not even kidding.
they. are. SO. GOOD.

and p.s. whoever had the idea of low sodium soy sauce is an idiot.

2. monsieur cheese at the whole foods in columbus circle
talked me into dropping an andrew jackson on a tiny wheel of,
"the best cheese you'll ever try."
and when i got home, i ate about half of it.
and with every bite, i just wanted to hang on to the sweet,
i can't wait to add it to a béchamel and make some mac with it.
(or is that uncouth for a cheese of this caliber?)

{p.s. totally stole this pic from one of my new fave blogs, you are my fave.}

{p.p.s. can someone that's hip to cheese etiquette please tell me if i say, "this cheese is called epoisses berthaut?" or "this cheese is from epoisses berthaut?" or "this is an epoisses cheese from berthaut?" or none of the above?}

3. also at whole foods, i found lavender mint water.
i luv lavender.
and i'm always looking for ways to use it in food and drinks.
but this just tasted like yoga mat cleaner.

4. a few days ago i discovered a mustard section at the fairway on 74th that i've never seen before!!
i squeeled in excitement.
their first floor mustard section is pretttty happening.
but it didn't even occur to me to look for mustard on the second floor (where everything is organic).
it's tangy and acidic and delicious.
i've found it works well with an ale or sweet mustard.

5. i fulfilled one of autumn's rites of passage and made caramel apples last night.
there are none left.

("no shame november, no shame november")

6. i got sooo hungry reading this blog post by new blogger friend gaia.
she made red velvet cupcakes (among many other goodies)!
i told her i'd give her the cream cheese frosting recipe that i use,
but it's so good i have to share it with everyone:

{i stole it from paula deen}


1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese
1 stick butter, softened
1 cup melted marshmallows
1 (1-pound) box confectioners' sugar

blend cream cheese and butter together in a mixing bowl.
add marshmallows and sugar and blend.
increase the speed to high and mix until very light and fluffy.

that's it!

ohh kay.

gonna go eat now.



tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!!!

i'm counting down the minutes! i cannot wait!!!

there was a red carpet in front of my school yesterday for the premiere in alice tully hall.
not fair!

so close, yet so far.

a few last date candidates...

candidate tony

tony plays the big saxophone. he hails from "michigan michigan..." (5 dollars if you know that song by joe reilly)

mynameisyeh: what is the largest material object that you would give to see this movie right now?
tony: (picks up a cup of apple juice from the OSA and places it in front of me) that apple juice.
m: what is the largest non-material object that you would give to see this movie right now? (examples: a hug, a pat on the back, etc).
t: i will not do labor.
m: what would you wear to the show?
t: anything you want me to wear.
m: will you wear that crown?
t: yes
m: why should you be my date this show?
t: cause i'm stupid awesome.

candidate alex

alex plays the big cello.

mynameisyeh: what is the largest material object that you would give to see this movie right now?
alex: my roommate.
m: what is the largest non-material object that you would give to see this movie right now? (examples: a hug, a pat on the back, etc).
a: my heart.
m: what would you wear to the show?
a: anything you want me to wear. (sounds familiar)
m: why should you be my date this show?
a: because you need a big buff man to accompany you. (for comedic effect, see above photo).

candidate craig

craig plays cor.

mynameisyeh: what is the largest material object that you would give to see this movie right now?
craig: i'll buy a star on the internet for you.
m: what is the largest non-material object that you would give to see this movie right now? (examples: a hug, a pat on the back, etc).
c: blind fervent admiration.
m: what would you wear to the show?
c: blue jeans. a pair of worn out toms. a t shirt.
this black jacket. and my blue hat.
also, i'd get a crown and put it on top of my blue hat.
m: why should you be my date this show?
c: cause i'm a monster. i'm a wild thing.

it's either white jeans, a star, some apple juice...
errrmm... shiny shoes...
or alex's roommate? (at least he's a good composer...)
decisions decisions... i have 24 hours exactly.

(random) a text i just received from friend nick, a.k.a. mr cynical:

"are you gonna arrange the soundtrack to
where the wild things are for
laptop and percussion ensemble
and then play it at le poisson rouge?"

i shouldn't be, but i'm sooo amused.

and speaking of amusing things... this just in from my aunt lucy:

my next investment will be the entire line of beaver mustard.

also. absconded? that needs to join my limited vocabulary.



wallsé, holy s***

{mum's visit continued}

ladies and gentlemen,
i'd like you all to recall my schnitzel rant.
(ok, i know it wasn't a rant. it was more or less a praise for the famed and illustrious schnitzel truck... but let's all agree that you'd be slightly sour too if one of your all time fave foods had to come out of a truck that you could only chase down via twitter.)

well, mum really overdid herself this time on the schnitzel radar.
she surprised me with a little restaurant in the west village by the name of wallsé.
now, to be honest, until this weekend, i really had not had a meal that quite compared to that one drop dead delicious feast at enoteca vespaio in austin years back.
but (to reiterate the title of this post)

wallsé, holy shit.

kurt gutenbrunner is the chef,
and wallsé is the name of his hometown in austria.
so, being austrian, he's naturally going to know a good schnitzel.

...but a fantastically mouth-gasmic,
size of your head,
crisped to perfection (with little folds of extra fried crispy-ness),
out of this world wienerschnitzel?

this man is not just a native austrian,
he's a fucking super hero.

it was almost shocking how good this meal was. this schnitzel, it had a few friends:

lemons (extra lemons, of course)
spätzle with quark cheese (hold the rabbit bits for me, please)
potato and cucumber salad (never have i ever before liked potater salad, but this was delicious)


an elderberry gimlet
the bartender in this joint also happens to be a super hero of sorts
however at one point during the evening i had an error in judgement and ordered a pepper vodka drink with tomato something. (i guess i was intrigued by the pepper vodka?)
it made me want to puke my brains out.
but good thing herr waiter was nice and instead brought me some light riesling.

...all of schnitzel's friends worked so well together! the sweetness of the lingonberries + the sour lemons + the crispy hot schnitzel and the cool refreshing potaters... and i mean, the spätzle, ohhhh the spätzle.
it was like mac and cheese's stylish high society older sister.

we couldn't believe how fast we ate.
it was like a kuhn's date on steroids.

and might i also mention that the decor and ambiance were perfect as well. so relaxing! and our corner table was perfect for people watching and.. chilling...

oh.. and... ummm...

we somehow had room for dessert.

dessert was a homemade mozart kugeln on a light crispy carmel-y (?) cookie
with pistachios and gold to top it off.
i think that speaks for itself, no?

oy vay, i can't think of enough nice things to say about this place!

i'm most definitely coming back here:
a) every time that mum visits, and
b) whenever i want

i love you, wallsé.

