holidays and celebrations


curry and coconut go together like the ondes martenot and an orchestra: a little bit unusual and totally wonderful. and that was really just a lame attempt at a relevant analogy since i am seeing a concert of messiaen tonight and couldn't be more excited. the idea for these came from all that delicious curry with the coconut milk in it and they are the perfect passover dessert. 

curry coconut macaroons

2 cups sweetened shredded coconut
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 large egg white
a pinch of salt

preheat oven to 350. in a small bowl combine coconut and curry powder. in a large bowl beat the egg white and salt until stiff peaks form. gently fold the coconut into the egg white. spoon onto a prepared cookie sheet* and bake 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.  

*i use an ice cream scoop since i like mine big, but you can use a smaller scoop if you'd like. if you do this, check the macaroons after 10 minutes because they will take a shorter time to bake. 



pi day is for jewish mothers and mathletes-in-past-lives to expose themselves shamelessly over {in descending order from favorite to least favorite}:

a) homemade (better than the real thing) momofuku crack pie
c) eggpie (or, quiche)
e) gluten-free/sugar-free/eggboy-friendly sweet potato pie

ad-lib talk of ponies, percussions, and many other things brought to us by the letter "p."



march is not a real month until shamrock shakes have been achieved. {once mum and i demonstrated this with a bunch of selfies taken in the parking lot of an illinois mcdonald's.} so when eggboy asked "what is a shamrock shake?" i got all startled because i really just don't think it's ok to not have ever had a shamrock shake. i was also confused because he has all these fond memories of going to mcdonald's when he was little... but i do remember hearing somewhere that not all mcdonald's sell shamrock shakes. which is so dumb. anyway, this morning we walked in the rain to three stores before we found just the right ice cream {soy ice cream sweetened with fruit because eggboy fears processed sugar} and then while he strum strum strummed away at his guitar, i ferociously recalled the chapter in my photography book on not sucking at taking pictures of ice cream. and the shakes were wonderful! eggboy-friendly {free of dairy and tons of processed sugar} and human-friendly {no icky artificial mint or green coloring} and they are like a splagillion times better than the ones from mcdonald's. i'm not just saying that-- the fresh mint is completely something else.

so go blend up milk, ice cream, and mint, and have yourself a very merry st. patrick's day.
