holidays and celebrations


around these parts i am ferociously preparing for valentine's day via making my annual almond cake, drinking red velvet tea, making little almond paste bonbons, hyperlinking in pink, and practicing my heart-shaped eggs so that they may be flawless and unbroken for eggboy. {because you can't give your sig other a broken heart on valentine's day, even if it is just in the form of a broken yolk.}

i simply can't wait for valentine's day. it is one of my most favorite days of the year.

-yay!! yipee!!!!


happy fifty seven seventy snake, everyone!

for the third time in six months a new year rolled around and you know what they say about the third time... something about it being dumpling-filled and noodle-y. so melissa and i enlisted an army of dumpling makers, black sesame ice cream experts, fortune writers {to write socially relevant fortunes}, and polaroid photogs to throw a snake-y soirée of the most non-snake-y because snakes freak the shit out of me. 

and it was so yummy and fun to get in touch with my chinese half and eat tons of noodles and put mochi in my cookies!



for the first time in a long time of i can't i have to eq guitar things and i can't i have to make scallion pancakes, eggboy and i emerged out of our shells and had a classic old date night, complete with deconstructed tamago + bacon onigiri, wildly fantastic viola music* by the nadia, and obviously some pistachio froyo at 16 handles. other highlights: a photo bomb {lower left, see her?!} and using my hello kitty rice maker.

*i can't gush enough about how amazingly amazing her album preview was. it was exactly the inspiration one needs to fully recover from the #januaries. you guys check this out even if you're like what is a contemporary viola music? you. will. love. it.
