holidays and celebrations

this weekend

this weekend i did not shower at all and i did not put on makeup. it was a perfect few days for alpaca socks and brussels sprouts and morning bok choy. most of my time this weekend was spent in the kitchen making dumplings and scallion pancakes. but i also got out a bit, mainly to find myself at the heaven-on-earth that is kalustyan's where i bought matcha green tea powder and hickory smoke powder and the kind of sugar you need for liège waffles. smokey pearl sugar cupcakes anyone?? this weekend eggboy sang the beatles to me in my newly made over room, and i purchased the most perfect little tea party tray from ikea. {oh yeah, we had a friday date to ikea!} this weekend i got into the valentine's day spirit, i brewed eggboy his first cup of coffee in a very long time, i discussed gangnam style over the internet radio, and roommate patrick had really wonderful pit stains.

{this weekend was, i'd say, quite perfect.}


fighting off the #januaries

no amounts of coffee can cure the #januaries.
no amounts of mustard can cure the #januaries.
no amounts of botched hole-in-the-middles can cure the #januaries.
even mia, at 6 years old, fears the #januaries.

if we examine why january sucks so much, it shouldn't be that difficult {in theory} to combat this mega-awful month that is worse than all of the mondays in the world combined. it's simple: we just need some really awesome made-up holidays. if your birthday is in january, you don't count, go away, everyone is jealous. but for the other approximately eleven twelfths of us, here are some ideas to combat the #januaries:

national at least i meant to shower day
national eat overcooked ramen and dunkaroos in your bathtub day
national pick your nose but not in public because that's still gross day
national buy the prettiest smelling lotion day, actually this should come before national at least i meant to shower day so you have a cover up, you know?
national entenmann's and nacho cheese and what is a vegetable day
national look at this website day:
national write a letter to someone you idolized in fifth grade day
national watch all of the heath ledger movies day

ok i've expended too much energy just thinking of these and am ready to go back to bed. until february. 


new year's resolutions!

in 2013, i resolve to...

not go on the internet so much. and spend time with my new hello kitty rice maker. and by that i mean i should focus on more rewarding things than retweets and friend requests, such as novels about circuses and chatting with my neighbors on my nonexistent stoop and learning how to use farro.

eat more vegetables. a very wise eggboy once had me entertain the idea of increasing my vegetable intake to one half of everything i eat. for one week i did that and it was the greatest most skinny jean-iest week of the year, and not in a deprived/i-need-cheese sort of way. so this year i would like to strengthen my relationship with the zucchini, the fennel, the carrot, you know, the colorful things from the ground. 

make a garden on my roof, invite chickens. shhhh, don't tell my landlord...

be a reliable human friend. in case one of my friends accidentally goes to jail or gets dumped or feeds his/her significant other undercooked poultry. i'd like to be there with a layer cake, you know?


sweets scenes and sister stoop on a snowy christmas

on christmas eve day, stoopie and i executed a four-course sweet tasting for santy claus. {santy claus, benji, santy claus! so goes my all-time favorite/only favorite faulkner quote.} it began with an amuse-bouche of almond-pistachio nougat and then launched into almond + cinnamon + meringue biscuits in anticipation of what if santa is gluten free? marzipan oreos came next. meaning, i just threw a bunch of marzipan and almond extract into the mixer as i was making the filling. they are at least seven times better than the candy cane joe joe's i stole from roommate megan. the champion of the tasting, however, was a little coconut layer cake that stoopie made and that we covered with tiffany's-colored marzipan and marzipan evergreen trees. {consider it practice for when i find myself making stoopie's wedding cake next year.}

it completely paid off. i think i'm santa's favorite. he brought me a hello kitty rice maker. it's exactly what my kitchen needs. i hope it speaks japanese to me as it cooks me fluffy rice in the shape of kitty cats.  
