holidays and celebrations

this punkin bread i made

is in fact more of a pumpkin cake.
 and the ultimate sign that fall is looking us straight in the eye.
{but calling it bread makes me feel less bad about eating 12 pieces in one day} 
...and sweet cheeses i love fall
i love sweaters and scarves and not feeling like i should be at an outdoor bar every night. i love beginning the fiscal year, cloves, and the pumpkin water ice at rita's. but you know what is also silly: i love spring, too. and summer, and winter. seasons rock so much! but i also love california, and its year-round warmness. so therefore... everything rocks! except rain. 
i digress. 
here's the recipe for the above pumpkin bread:
ingredients: 1/2 a can of pumpkin puree + 2 eggs + 1/2 cup vegetable oil + 1/3 cup water + 1 1/2 cups sugar + 1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger + 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour + 1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour + 1 teaspoon baking powder + 3/4 teaspoon salt + 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon + 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg + 1/4 teaspoon allspice +  1 cup chocolate chips 
clues: mix together the pumpkin + eggs + oil + water + sugar + ginger. in a separate bowl, mix together the rest of the ingredients. combine the two. bake in a greased 7 x 3 loaf pan at 350 for 50ish minutes. 


up above

an unknown [to me] plant, one of many
goat ricotta, cow ricotta//laced with herbs that grew beside us
my jam!
rhubarb jam
grape jam
apple jelly
an indoor lamp
mist the hurricane is coming! -too late for sunset, oops-
half of a fedora, wine, corn

on 8.25.11 in [east] williamsburg


all i want for my blog's birthday is a cupcake that was nary frozen

and a levain cookie with a scoop of ice cream on top.
and a roma tomato...
napoletana pizza, 
gouda cheese,
and a quinoa salad would be nice.
maybe also a whole grain, a fresh vegetable, and a berry as well?
today my blog is two.
and in typical narcissistic blog mommy fashion,
the only thing that is on my mind is food that is not dining hall food. but since it's my blog, it's probably on my blog's mind, too. it screams,
molly, blog about good food! not crunchy bagel cream cheese shit!
i'm going crazy here, people. there's a half empty box of chips ahoy sitting in front of me. and as much as i hope and wish and dream, those cookies ain't turning into levain.
happy birthday, mister blog!
