holidays and celebrations

l'shana tovah!

ok let's get sumpin straight:
i'm aware that i'm not the most observant bubbeleh on the upper west side.
{i'm sorry, it's just... pork belly has its way sometimes}
but i do love the high holidays because i get to spend time with my fammy
and, of course, eat tasty delicious food!
the problem is, sometimes i just plum forget what the eating rules are.
as in, is this the one where we're not supposed to eat? or are we supposed to eat fried stuff? what shape should my challah {holla!} be in? and should it be risen?
by now i can pretty much hang without looking like a total idiot, 
but i still find myself praying every time that:
let this please be the one where i get to eat matzoh ball soup.
and apples and honey!!! do i get apples and honey??? i lovvvve apples and honey. mmmmmmmmm.
i have an inkling that i'm right about this one.
here's to a happy and yummy new year!!!
i'm off to celebrate in massachusetts!



a greyhound party

mum's friend hosted a greyhound party!!
all of these puppies are from the same litter... save for their mum {who is the one with the black-ish/dark grey-ish coat}
aren't they handsome?
the greatest thing about a greyhound party, or any puppy party, is that you can pee wherever you want. and people won't think you're wasted!



back in new york. and some ice cream sammiches.

i'm back to the city!
and how nice of the weather to warm up just in time...

a few highlights from my weekend at home:

lemon jalapeño cookies with chocolate ice cream
chocolate chili cookies with vanilla ice cream


the deep gutty sounds that fireworks make

the echoes of the deep gutty sounds that fireworks make

the car alarms erupting from the fireworks 

{...playing in the pool}


eating schnitzel

puppies and dogs


stilt people at the parade

steve reich's music for 18 musicians in my room by my lonesome with straggling fireworks of neighboring villages periodically exploding in the distance in an otherwise silent and beautiful night

premixed, store-bought margaritas 

more premixed, store-bought margaritas

