holidays and celebrations

this is not a joke. it is national donut day.

it is as if someone combined all eight days of hannukah with boxing day and the day i first tried a pat lafrieda burger and my birthday into one. 
this is monumental.
this is the height of the summer.
this is going to be the best day ever.

free krispy kremes.
free donuts!!!!!
ohmygoodness i'm going to gain twelve pounds today.

in honor of this holiday, 
i'm gifting you a recipe.
it's for donuts
it's vegan
and it's what inspired the note on the fridge in above photo.

these donuts are
the best motherfucking donuts ever
that's the official name

loosely based on recipes by judith and evan jones and isa moskowitz,
edited/veganized/pulverized by friend frank

you will need:

...for the dough...
2 tablespoons "butter" (earth balance)
 1/2 cup "milk" (light coconut)
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
1/3 cup sugar (vegan-sans bone char, etc.)
1/4 cup warm water (c. 105 degrees)
2 1/4 cups white (unbleached) all purpose flower
1 "egg" slightly beaten (flax replacement)
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground mace
some peanut oil (for frying)
a bunch of confectioner's sugar (again, vegan)

...for the filling...
1/3 cup "butter" (earth balance)
1/3 cup non-hydro veggie shortening
1/3 cup "cream cheese" (tofutti)
1-1.5 cups confectioner's sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt 

you will do:

...for the filling...
in a bowl of indeterminate-yet appropriate-size, beat together "butter," "cheese," and shortening. add the sugar (in graduated segments) and continue to beat mercilessly for a liberal 10 minutes. until painfully fluffy. add vanilla and salt and beat somewhat less mercilessly for another single minute. add extra sugar, as needed, for a medium-firm texture. chill in ice box until needed. 

...for the dough...
boil, briefly, the "butter"+"milk" then let cool. in moderate-sized bowl, dissolve the yeast and 1 teaspoon of the sugar in the lukewarm water. once cooled, stir in the afore boiled "dairy" mixture. beat in flour, "egg," salt, and spices(!). this should, in all likelihood, produce a sticky yet manageable dough. turn out on to a lightly-floured work surface for one minute of vigorous kneading. place dough in recently-cleaned and greased bowl--to be covered with plastic wrap--until doubled in volume.

once risen, turn out dough to a lightly-floured work surface and roll out to 1/4 inch thickness. cut out 3-inch circles. place a heaping teaspoon of filling in the center of half of the cut circles. wet the rim with water and place an empty circle on top. seal both halves around edge using a fork. cover lightly with towel and let rise (take two) until doubled in size (again).

heat two inches of oil in cooking pan to 370 degrees. slip in donuts one at a time, but don't fry more than four at once. fry for two minutes on each side. place on paper towel-lined cookie sheet in warming oven. when all be done, sprinkle with confectioner's sugar. serve while warm. or, whenever.

stuff your face.

happy donut day everyone!!!



santy claus, benjy, santy claus*

{a few of my birthday giftees}

meet my latest thing to hit.
my teacher calls it a desert island instrument.
i'm thinking of calling it:
the doumbek 


also under the birthday tree were these pretty little rings:

the leftsky is a gem my mum got for her 16th birthday
{she was/is a swank lady}

on the right is

this is esther junior.
a turtle mbira from two of my most favorite people, becca and billy!
she is esther junior because she was born a few hours after esther senior
{her mass has nothing to do with it}
wouldn't you say turtles are the darndest things?
imagine the possibilities if you had a shell.

stoop made me a
mustard making kit
"the possibilities make me so excited i might explode" {frank}

plans to take over the world via mustard manufacturing might finally become a reality.
options discussed at this eve's dinner table were:

whisky mustard
vodka mustard
mango mustard
panda mustard...

{i actually can't give away most of the good ones before i patent them and drown the world in them}

i die.

sarah shu, a.k.a. co-dim sum monster, a.k.a. my brother, a.k.a. jewelry maker extraordinaire
designed for me the statement necklace of all statement necklaces:
the babakoo pok ban pendant.
just pretend for a moment that you're chinese
and that you don't really speak english
and that you work at dim sum a go-go and someone says 
i want one of them fluffy white lookin dumpling with the barbecued pork inside
you're response may be bewilderment 
and an
oh, you mean babakoo pok ban?

dang, is that offensive?

i can't wait to wear this with my tiffany's star of david, btw.

dang, is that more offensive?



*perhaps the best line from faulkner's masterpiece 

birthday dinner, volume two...

...was the traditional bash in honor of both my birthday and the pops' birthday
{which was today- happy birthday, pops!}
at the extremely sold-out
which we've been going to every year since i can remember.

in recent years,
it has become increasingly more commercial--
{adding cheesy pictures to the menus,
offering smaller portions,
 the abolishment of the sassy garlic lecture from the waiters....}

this year,
what really did it in was the ads on the place mats for the hollywood film
letters to juliet
or whatever,
you know,
a la mcdonalds. 
way to keep things classy, buca. 

at any rate,
the cake
{which used to be all red, now a showcase of italy pride}
was as artificial and delicious as ever!


