
coffee & craig at blue sky bakery

yesterday morning craig stopped through town and we discussed doctoral programs at one of my most favorite neighborhood bakeries, blue sky. yes, this craig and this craig {and the craig that once held my hair back as i puked all over philadelphia during an iconic freshman year weekender} discussed doctoral programs

and in the way that i imagine a parent sometimes struggles in watching a kid grow up, i was. not. ready for this. so i buried myself in my berry bran muffin and i nursed my hot coffee as if therein hid some warmth from our tanglewood summer of 2007. in that moment i could have hit the pause button on the remote control of life, but instead i just invited him over and we watched beyoncé's halftime show on youtube. 

professor craig.
doctor craig.
craig, d.m.a.

ok that actually sounds really cool.

this weekend

this weekend i did not shower at all and i did not put on makeup. it was a perfect few days for alpaca socks and brussels sprouts and morning bok choy. most of my time this weekend was spent in the kitchen making dumplings and scallion pancakes. but i also got out a bit, mainly to find myself at the heaven-on-earth that is kalustyan's where i bought matcha green tea powder and hickory smoke powder and the kind of sugar you need for liège waffles. smokey pearl sugar cupcakes anyone?? this weekend eggboy sang the beatles to me in my newly made over room, and i purchased the most perfect little tea party tray from ikea. {oh yeah, we had a friday date to ikea!} this weekend i got into the valentine's day spirit, i brewed eggboy his first cup of coffee in a very long time, i discussed gangnam style over the internet radio, and roommate patrick had really wonderful pit stains.

{this weekend was, i'd say, quite perfect.}


how the mensch stole christmas.

here's how this apartment does chrismukkuh:
decemberists sing-alongs
bacon latkes, kimchi latkes
fancy dresses
a vintage apron
candy cane elephant ears from your friend, the viennesoire man
multi-racial gingerbread transgenders
gingerbread replicas of well-known political figures, complete with m & m sex organs 
rainbow cookies that took two entire days to make
rainbow christmas lights strung on the hanukkuh bush
enough christmas lights to light all of brooklyn
spiked hot chocolate with homemade almond marshmallows 
the kind of epicn-ess that only happens when people arrive at your door with things like home-brewed honey liqueur, a fiddle, and the best pimento cheese on the face of the planet.
