
fair-weather frittata

the fair-weather jew that i am opted out of fasting this year.
so i made a frittata.
because i had time {for the first morning in way too long}, because there is nary an egg shortage in my kitchen, and because frittatas are the kind of thing that are just perfect for using up some about-to-go-bad veggies.
oh! and i had never made a frittata.
turns out i am a swell as fuck frittata maker!

the concoction i made this morning is loosely based on alice waters' recipe. kinda. not really.


olive oil
an onion, or two. chopped.
veggies {i used a tomato and a few handfuls of roommate spinach}
8 eggs
salt + pepper
a pinch of cayenne
4 cloves of garlic, chopped.
herbies {i used rosemary and thyme}
marinara, maybe
mustard, maybe


preheat oven to 350.
heat about two tablespoons of olive oil in an oven-proof pan over medium heat, add onion and cook until onions are soft and transparent. add veggies and cook for a few minutes. remove everything from the pan and set aside.
in a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, salt, pepper, cayenne, and garlic.
heat another two tablespoons in the pan over medium heat. add egg mixture. let it firm up a bit on the bottom. lift up the edges to let some of the liquidy part spill under and get some love as well. add the veggies on top and tilt the pan around a little so that the egg gets all up in em. sprinkle the herbies on top.
put her in the oven for 7-10 minutes, until the top firms up.
serve with marinara.
and the mustard is for if you burn yourself terribly like i did... because it's difficult to remember that a panhandle is that hot and because slathering a mustard on a burn really does make it better.

fall failures

when i want to feel like a failure, i make a hole-in-the-middle, then i take pictures of it, and then i let the pictures stare back at me with sad puppy blog-about-me eyes because it's like they know that i can't resist an egg portrait these days. what is the reason for this? what is so attractive about eggs? why do i keep trying to make a hole-in-the-middle even though i know that only mum and sometimes cracker barrel can make them perfectly? overnight me a hole-in-the-middle, mum, please.

why is there suddenly someone in my life who eats one and one half dozens of eggs each day?



this weekend we became amplified versions of our twelve-year-old selves as we ate grilled cheese and tomato soup and bopped along to ben folds. in between the non existent reveille and an infinite curfew we learned krav maga and did flips on the trapeze. we even performed a flashmob. soccer games, volleyball games, drinking games... and let's not forget those killer sweet dance moves and the s'mores competitions that you won every time. if this is what grown ups do, who needs a childhood? 

nicholas ford hagen & robert leonardo knopper

until further notice: "nick & nop" 
for the past four days one song has played on repeat in my head and for the first time since my lovefest with "the trapeze swinger," i don't mind. i sing it in the shower and while i'm riding my bike down the river... and on the subway and while i'm fixing dinner.
it is nicholas ford hagen's "the one is you." 
it wouldn't be a far stretch to say that i'd get married just so this could accompany my first dance. {alas, marrying apartments is illegal still.}
and if that's not enough, rob recently joined nick as his cajón accompanist. they made their debut last weekend at a bike shop that is also a brewery and i'd say it marked a yummy start. so yummy that i couldn't help having them over for some goat cheese and a rooftop photo shoot. 
so go have a listen because they're wonderful and one day they will be famouser.

