

the problem with being in love with my new apartment is that there are just too many fantastic looking restaurants that i can't be arsed to try on account of why shouldn't i stay in my sunny kitchen all day and cook all of the things that pass through my stream of consciousness? corn muffins with bacon and apples for donny and mo? ok. almond chocolate meringues? yes. brunch for craig? oh yes absolutely omg yes craig was in town and we ate eggs and split a pumpkin whoopie pie.

and then yesterday a thought arouse that was something along the lines of: i am going to be single for as long as i live in this apartment because with the amount that i love this place, how can i possibly love another thing, such as a human being?

perhaps this is what we call "taking this too far."


happy beans

{from the governor's island 20s party. some people didn't get the memo to dress-up.}

yesterday i inched closer to coming to terms with the fact that many of my close friends are soon moving or have recently moved away from the city. and that brooklyn is quite far from many of those that are left. it was a sad day and there were lots of frowns. 

so today i will begin the day with a happy list.

1. the dharma at big sur
2. perhaps a matzoh taste test party is in my future
3. through the grapevine i heard: "i just want to eat cake and eggs with molly yeh, you know?" yes. i will absolutely eat cake and eggs with you.
4. tomato season
5. an opera i am very much looking forward to performing this fall is on this list, right above a concert that my pops is playing.
6. very special people will be visiting town this weekend!
7. donny gave me a muffin tin and i intend to soon make lemon poppyseed muffins. 
8. bike rides
9. my new heroes of the torah drinking glasses
10. lost in the trees garden
11. butter dish shopping



 time: unknown
location: café de koe, amsterdam
what are they gonna do?
FEBO, the dutch automat fast food restaurant,
will surely be open at this hour.
epilogue: rob and molly eat a few more krokets
and then go to sleep with happy tummies!!!!

outside amsterdam

in about the time it would take to bike from harlem to park slope, rob and i biked from amsterdam to a little windmill village, zaanse schans. what a cute little place! like the real life version of it's a small world, only better because zaanse schans has a windmill that makes mustard. {see the excitement in the fourth photo?} immediately when i saw it my dream to have a backyard chicken coop and tree house transformed into a dream to have a backyard mustard windmill. who needs anything else when you have a mustard windmill. 
such magic.
rob and i really couldn't get enough of the whole countryside thing, so a few days later we took a little tour to edam-volendam and ate pancakes by the water and learned how wooden shoes are made. what do you think the chances are of wooden shoes becoming super trendy? should we make it happen?