
interview: oleg voss {the schnitzel man}

oleg voss is the genius behind 
the schnitzel & things truck
 {aka the reason that i have had the most tasty lunches ever this month!}

and like a true food truck dude,
oleg is so cool!

he even let me interview him!
m: have you ever dressed up as a schnitzel for halloween? 
o: i have never personally dressed up as a schnitzel for halloween. but you know what? my mom sews some mean articles of clothing! i'll have to tell her to sew together some material into a circular shape, and i'll finish up the rest.  gonna have to put the whole thing in glue and dive in a pool of bread crumbs.

 if you were a schnitzel, which condiment would you want to be slathered in?
lol, if i were a schnitzel, i'd totally want to jump in an ocean of our sriracha mayo.

 are you tired of schnitzel?
me tired of schnitzel?? how can i tire of of fried deliciousness?? only thing i'm tired of is pounding hundreds and hundreds of various cutlets of meat on a daily basis.  this one process, done 5 days a week for a year straight can make you have some serious nightmares of huge mallets coming after you.  i've had multiple dreams where two giant mallets chase me and eventually beat the crap out of me.  and when i say beat the crap out of me, i mean they put me in between two pieces of saran wrap and proceed to "tenderize" my entire body into a nice thin round shape.  this question is tricky.  i'm not tired of eating the schnitzified goodness, because once i tire of chicken, i switch to the pork, or the cod, and on special occasions, i indulge in the real official wiener schnitzel.

 do you ever think about taking the schnitzel truck for a road trip to spread the love? where would you go? 
i DO think about taking the schnitz mobile on road trips.  sadly, i don't think the truck would safely make it past delaware.  if the truck ever got stuck in delaware, i think i would just cry.  no offense to delaware, but i don't remember any recommendations to vacation there.  i'd actually love to take the truck to L.A. where there are tons of food trucks but no schnitz.  that place needs schnitzification badly... among other things. we would do some serious slinging up in thur!

 if you could serve your schnitzel to anybody in the world, who would it be? 
depeche mode.  DM FOREVER!!!! martin, dave, and fletch are idols of mine! i bet their shows would be even better with full stomachs of schnitz!

 where do you go for schnitzel if you want to sit down and be waited on?  
i go to thomas beisl right across the street from BAM in brooklyn, which coincidentally is 2 blocks from where i live.  the place reminds me of my suit and tie days spent in similar beisl's in vienna.

 who's your coolest customer????   
you know who our coolest customer is! as soon as i saw you tweet "let it be known, i am a gangster" you automatically jumped to #1 on the list.  plus your love for the schnitz is incomparable..  actually, the second coolest customer(s) are these bunch of guys who call themselves "the schnitzel fathers" and they started to send me messages through this shmuppet... pure hilarity.  then they started the talking schnitzel hahahah, how can you not love these dudes???  makes me laugh every time.   

let it be known, THIS man is a gangster!!
if you haven't taken a trip to the schnitzel truck yet, you are a dufus.

stay tuned for the next installment of schnitzel month updates
{be prepared, it involves a schnitzburger}



my room.

when all of my practicing is finished for the day
and all of the dishes are clean,

i lie in my bed,
close my eyes,
and imagine that my little room
isn't in new york city anymore,
but that instead, it's part of a little house,
on a farm,
in the middle of nowhere.

i imagine that if i were to open my window,
i wouldn't see all of the yellow taxis
or my corner bodega...
rather i would see an endless field,
and the sun setting.

 if i were to open my door,
i'd find mum, fixing dinner
{in a beautiful kitchen}
for all of our most favorite people. would smell of rosemary

and all of our most favorite people would be scattered about,
sitting on the porch,
playing with the puppies,
sipping wine,

but then i really do hear laughing
{and it is roomies}

and i'm reminded that reality is sweet, too.

