

this morning: a slice of domino's leftover from yesterday's perfect snow day activity of delivery and downton abbey and half of a beer in bed. warmth by way of gorillas

later: mickey mouse buckwheat waffles for breakfast #2. perhaps dotted with some belgian pearl sugar and topped with crunchy speculoos. 

even later: eggboy has a surprise for me. he says to bring my bathing suit and hunting boots and i should be hungry. i think the bathing suit part is just to throw me off, but i suppose we can't know for sure until a few hours from now. 



for the first time in a long time of i can't i have to eq guitar things and i can't i have to make scallion pancakes, eggboy and i emerged out of our shells and had a classic old date night, complete with deconstructed tamago + bacon onigiri, wildly fantastic viola music* by the nadia, and obviously some pistachio froyo at 16 handles. other highlights: a photo bomb {lower left, see her?!} and using my hello kitty rice maker.

*i can't gush enough about how amazingly amazing her album preview was. it was exactly the inspiration one needs to fully recover from the #januaries. you guys check this out even if you're like what is a contemporary viola music? you. will. love. it.


this weekend

this weekend i did not shower at all and i did not put on makeup. it was a perfect few days for alpaca socks and brussels sprouts and morning bok choy. most of my time this weekend was spent in the kitchen making dumplings and scallion pancakes. but i also got out a bit, mainly to find myself at the heaven-on-earth that is kalustyan's where i bought matcha green tea powder and hickory smoke powder and the kind of sugar you need for liège waffles. smokey pearl sugar cupcakes anyone?? this weekend eggboy sang the beatles to me in my newly made over room, and i purchased the most perfect little tea party tray from ikea. {oh yeah, we had a friday date to ikea!} this weekend i got into the valentine's day spirit, i brewed eggboy his first cup of coffee in a very long time, i discussed gangnam style over the internet radio, and roommate patrick had really wonderful pit stains.

{this weekend was, i'd say, quite perfect.}
