
the annual dumplings of the world festival

the festival started at sunrise,
with a bacon + egg + gruyère version of these cornish pasties.
from there it was uphill into a mess of doughy outrageousness.
the barbecue carrot buns,
spätzle + brussel sprouts,
and samosas
were the tastiest.
and after those i vowed never to eat anything every again...
until the pierogi came out and all bets were off.
accompanied by marshmallow peppermint martinis?
oh yes, please.
repeat that last step until we realize that 
we've completely forgotten about the black sesame mochi. oops!
oh but it was a very successful festival indeed...
complete with four puppy sous chefs,
old ice skating videos,
and stoopie's face breaking out in a glorious rash!
{but p.s. utter the words "soup dumpling" and i might vom.}

meet the gingers.

 they are a very stylish family!
they reside in milwaukee. 
 esther and sima are mrs. and mrs. ginger.
esther is a cantonese translator and sima is a stay-at-home cookie.
 zoe is their oldest female-bodied offspring.
he is an expert yoga practitioner and a hoarder.
 j.j. and peter were adopted from canada.
they are twins.
 ...i think
 marla is tanning off her weight.
and soo young is the baby,
 and also an aspiring rabbi. 

they wish you a happy christmas!


hey, yehs!

an ann sather cinnamon roll,
lou malnati's deep dish,
dim sum,
and mum's famous sesame noodles...
are all in my belly.
yes, i am home!
prep for the annual dumpling festival is well on its way,
and holy moly is it gonna be good this year.
also, santy clause better get ready because
he is getting some tasty treats tonight.

{p.s. the meringues in that photo are marzipan meringues. i used this recipe but added almond extract and substituted the chocolate chips and walnuts for little marzipan nuggets. so much yum.}