
the suburbs

marimba songs
swimming pools
more mosquitos
laundry in the basement
homemade rugelach
with nutella and orange marmalade
the same clothes every day
arcade fires


i am home.
time to practice.



aluminum chef

stoopie was in town this weekend to tape iron chef!! she's going to be on it!! she's a mack daddy pimp. i got to watch the taping and i've nevur been so hungee in my life because ironically they make you sit there and watch people cook and they don't give you samplings or snackee breaks. it's ok though because stoopie was cool beans!! i can't tell you who won though or else i'll be out a million moneys. it'll be on the spring, so sit tight cookie faces!!



xenakis, wee ones, second dinners

most commonly
when i am home
i am here.

at the counter in the kitchen
{keeping mum company as she bakes, cooks, etc}

i sit on my computer,
i glance up at whichever suburban obsession is on the tele 
{dancing with the stars graced my life today}
and i nibble on whatever of mum's creations are on her 
beloved aqua cake stand
the current tasty is a dark chocolate orange zest cookie bar

today i broke the monotony 
of my butt-glued-to-chair-noshing-aimlessly routine by playing a recital for
{my favorite}
wee ones!
there aren't many things i love more in life than playing for itsy bitsy kids.

they are so curious!
they love loud things!
and have you ever seen a kindergartner pronounce "marimba?"

oh tickle me, it's just the cutest thing.


i took them on a little time machine trip
starting with bach
and moving up to xenakis....

i really really hope that a five year old goes home and tells his mom he wants a xenakis cd for christmas.
that would be precious and all the way legit.

all of that playing with kids takes a lot out of you.
so i naturally had to ravage some dumplings.
the ones at dragon inn north in glenview, il
continue to be some of my favorite.

 the uuuuber doughy texture
and the mass quantities of ginger
make them xtra special.

whenever i eat them i get nostalgic about my little kid days
when i'd go here and have a whole order of them for dinner,
but only the dough {never the filling}

and of course there's always room for a second dinner

sister stoop came over

and we made

and it was delicious.

except so much of me wishes right now that the part of new york,
where you walk a bunch after you eat a big meal,
{or where you walk a bunch even when you don't eat a big meal}
was true for the chicago suburbs.

i guess i'll just submit to food coma instead. 

