
it's out.

everybody, my very first recording has just been released!

it features the pops,
but him and i are soloing on one of the tracks together :-)

we recorded it when i was in high school and it has just now come out!
{i can still taste the AMAZING southern comfort food we ate when we were staying in columbus, georgia to record}

the piece i'm in is
michael burritt's
duo concertante for clarinet, percussion, and wind ensemble
it is SO FUN to play!
marimba + lots of loud drums... my fave :-)

so.... in case you're in need of a holiday present for that friend
who has a thing for clarinet and percussion music,
order it here



gobble gobble

thanksgiving in tampa

i'm thankful for palm trees
the sun

i'm thankful that cousins have me over to their beautiful house

i'm thankful that i'm somehow related to a balloon artist

...and i'm even more thankful that he made this
hella sweet cupcake balloon hat

i'm thankful for
sister stoopie + mum

"two stoops eating soup"

it was one big cooking party...

is there really anything better than cooking with your family all day??

yes, silly.
{it's drinking with your family all day...}

sister stoop + man

time to work up an appetite...

i'm thankful for these adorable place settings made by little cousins!

carving the tryptophan...

i'm thankful for this!!!!

good thing i wore my eating pants

this year's strategy for a successful pig-out
{inspired by the gobbler at the milburn deli}

1. slice open a sister schubert's roll
hailing from the south,
these rolls pack so much buttery goodness into one tiny morsel.
if you've never had one, get them now (they're available online).
i could eat six pans in one sitting.
2. spread on a dollop of cranberry sauce
3. slap on a slice of turkey, preferably covered in gravy
4. shovel on some stuffing
5. close, and eat like a sandwich
6. repeat
7. repeat
8. repeat
(etc etc)

i am sooooo thankful for my family!!!

i am also thankful that little cousin mia is the future leila josefowicz...

and most of all,
i am thankful for sharpie marker


time to hit the gym...



happy birthday, sister!!

older sister
turned 24 today

that's her on the right.

24 things about stoop

1. she is three and a half years older than me
2. her real name is jenna
3. she is a fantastical chef!
4. she is famous for her guacamole
5. she used to play the french horn
6. she likes to steal my clothes
7. we used to ice skate together A LOT
8. she is in love with the back to the future trilogy
9. her hair once consisted of one. huge. dreadlock.
10. she, and she alone brought into style the term, "hella ill."
11. she had to finish her physics final in high school after she graduated
12. she went to mcgill for a few years before dropping out to go to kendall culinary school
13. she used to make magic potions when she was a wee little girl
14. she read all of the baby sitters club books
15. she was on the debate team
16. and the track team (but only for like three days)
17. her and i used to pool our allowance every month to buy michael stars shirts
18. we once had a four hour layover in japan on the way home from korea and the way she decided we'd spend it would be to drink as much sapporo beer as we could
19. on said trip to korea, she named the shoe mat near the elevator, "the waiting vestibule"
20. she's totally weird.
21. in a good way
22. she once had a hilarious blog.
23. she was once a vegan. but now loves meat more than anything.
24. SHE'S 24 TODAY!





{oh yeah. she calls me stoopie. and i call her stoopie. don't even ask.}