
cute little things in my apartment that i am oh so very fond of

1. the mezuzah that mum made me

2. the brian bell

future second husband brian brought me this for-realsies cowbell back from switzerland. i can't wait to use it for mahler!

3. the lollipop jar

4. yiddish magnetic poetry

thanks mum! and hello sister stoop!

5. the aunt cathy apron hook

6. the c+m salt n peppa shakers

7. mr. gnome

thank you for housing my loose change, meester gnome.



silly things



feast your eyes on the new juilliard room signs. 
notice the braille dots below the numbers.
here's a secret: they're not actually raised. they're just printed on the sign. i mean. seriously? 


a text from mum today:

"i think you're going to have to start making crepes 
storing them in your fridge and wrapping leftovers 
and odds and ends in them for lunch."

personally, i think that's silly. especially since my lunch today was leftover lasagna.

how about a spinach salad wrapped in a whole wheat crepe? orrr chickens and six kinds of mustard in a crepe?!!? ok. i'm doing this tomorrow.


earlier today, friend craig and i were at fairway shopping for salad accouterments when we stumbled across prepackaged edible flowers... right next to the pillsbury crescent rolls. i must think of a perfect occasion for which to buy these. maybe some sort of celebratory tea party?
 i wonder how these would be wrapped up in a crepe, mum. 

in other news...

i saw district 9 last night. it was definitely decent (and a good way to safely hide out from the monstrous hurricane that swept the upper west side last night). but i mean, if you've seen any movie about the apartheid or the holocaust, you're probably better off seeing something else. mr movie makers probably could have saved the buck they spent on all of those alien costumes or whatever because they really didn't do much with the mystery of aliens. they might as well have used humans of another race or nationality, or animals. there was nothing really that was interesting or alien-y about the aliens. 
also, i really wasn't into the fact that the main bro, wickus, turned against humans and teamed up with the aliens. despite the fact that there were a few creepy scientists that were performing bizzaro inhuman experiments on the aliens, wickus should not have killed humans for the sake of the aliens. he should have stood by the humans no matter what, because who knows what these aliens are going to do? they could have poured that gooey shit over the whole world and turned everyone into aliens. sorry, that was sorta out. but seriously. 
maybe he should have sacrificed his arm as to not trigger human vs. alien warfare? just a thought.
also, they didn't fully explain how district 9 turned into such a terrible slum. the woman being interviewed said in passing, "we had to house about 1.5 million aliens in one place. so, naturally, it's going to eventually turn into slums." hold the phone, sista. naturally? that's shady. i think that needed some more (as craig says) 'splainin'. 


new roomie chad is finally here!!!!! let the party begin...



eating in la jolla and san diego!

hello, grandmum!

i had a very very VERY lovely lunch at whisknladle in downtown la jolla avec the pops, the grandpops, and the grandmum. 

i had some very fresh and very tasty tagliatelle with bolognese sauce and pops had sweat breads (not my cup of tea, but he enjoyed it, contrary to what you might think given his ridiculous face in above photo). 

by far the best part was dessert: basil gelato, red pepper strawberry sorbet, and cantaloupe tomato sorbet. the basil gelato was to. die. for. the red pepper strawby was a close second (the pepper hit you first, backed off, and then made room for the strawby to create an utterly refreshing sensation), and the cantaloupe tomato was interesting but not my fave.

the cocktail list looked incredible. i picked the waitress' brain about where one finds blueberry lavender vodka and she said that they infuse it right there in the restaurant! ohhhh how i wanted a lavender cosmo almost more than another scoop of basil gelato! but, alas, it was 2 in the afternoon. and, alas, i am twelve. 

friend nick tolle and me about to dig in to some freaking tacos

after the ginterview, i naturally had to try la fachada
although it took some convincing for jason to drive allll the wayyy out there (at times like these, i miss new york subways)

jason, our resident fachada expert, ordered for nick and me- carnitas, carne asada, and chickens tacos. 

they were all so incredibly tasty! the tortillas were so fresh (the lady stands in the truck and makes them righhhht there). the tastes were simple, but seasoned absolutely perfectly! there wasn't all the junk in the trunk like a typical t-bell taco- it was simply the meat and some green things (and some self serve guac and salsa). i think the favorite of the three was the carnitas. 

the horchata was über tasty as well.

do i support jason's decision in saying this would be his last meal on earth? oh, totally.