
shameless loves, by blondie

things that blondie loves
{but really probably shouldn't}

going back to sleep instead of going for a run
running to terrible 90s and early 00s house music
seeing how long i can go before washing my hair
almost being caught pantsless by my roommate
eating chocolate chips out of the bag (but currently it's the peppermint bark chips from trader joe's)
trader joe's 99₵ macaroni and cheese
returning my ronnybrook milk bottles 
eating in bed (usually pantsless)
intentionally bumping into people staring at their phone while walking
giving dirty looks to undergrad couples in the library
occasions where i don't take pictures of my food
rocking out to my steve perry pandora station 

thank you, blondie!
and a very happy no shame november to you!!


shameless loves, by sam

things that sam loves
{but really probably shouldn't}

november being the second month of christmas-carol-listening, not the first 
having three opened varieties of caramel dipping sauce in the fridge
watching at least one episode of the x-files daily
frozen chicken pot-pies
still loving everything to do with harry potter
getting all of my umbrellas from lost-and-found bins
mulled anything
re-reading children’s books like winnie-the-pooh and the little prince instead of the brand new grown-up books that remain untouched on my shelf
gumballs. who doesn’t like gumballs?
laboring under the mistaken impression that writing to-do lists with those thin felt-tipped pens will make me get things done faster 

thank you, sam!
and a very happy no shame november to you!!


shameless loves, by christina

things that christina loves
{but really probably shouldn't}

going into sephora just to douse myself in the perfume that i already own that is at home but i don't feel like "wasting"
liking any and all clever facebook statuses, even if it's a person that i haven't talked to since 3rd grade
eating at least thirty almonds in one sitting (how can you eat just one?)
wearing a blanket around my waist as if it's a skirt because i refuse to turn up the heat in my apartment
hating on the gossip girl
following gossip girl from the very beginning to the very end
listening to christmas music 24/7 post-thanksgiving
sending the smiling poop emoji to everyone i know since i got a phone with emoji
putting cheese on anything and everything

thank you, christina!
and a very happy no shame november to you!!


shameless loves, by alexis

things that alexis loves
{but really probably shouldn't}

wearing my sunglasses as a headband.
ordering a pitcher of sangria and saying, "i'll only need one glass." economical, right?
using my practice room as a personal dance space, probably while dancing to "call me, maybe." 
pretending to be a concert pianist when i type on the computer.
pretending that my car has star power! when i merge onto the highway. also, i like to yell "star power!" when this happens.
asking for my cat's opinion when i get dressed in the morning. he's sassy without apology.
taking the elevator from 1-5 and then down to 2 so i don't get the judgmental stares that accompany taking the elevator one floor.
pretending to order food for two people when, honestly, it's all for me.
and always, always, always drinking my hot chocolate with chambourd and a can of reddi-whip next to me.

thank you, alexis!
and a very happy no shame november to you!!
