
sad popcorn ballz

it was noted yesterday that i had been lacking in my unofficial position as office candy bowl filler upper. maybe if people would just pay me the suggested cost of one limerick per piece, this problem wouldn't be happening. but i am nary a hunter. 
and so i made the seasonal and informed decision to make:
popcorn balls!!!
only somewhere along the way, about 75% of my poppy corn got all burnt. and by the time i realized i'd have to discard it, the candy thermometer had reached 230 degrees and mr. needle wasn't stoppin. so quickly i scanned my kitchen to see what i could candy. candied ramen noodles? candied licorice? candied spatula? eureka {!!!}: candied peanuts!
they'd be like the nuts for nuts nuts!
so i dumped them in, along with the salvaged, unburnt popcorn, and voila!
a stick sweet peanut brittle dental hygienic nightmare.

{thank you to paula deen's popcorn ball recipe}

the sweetest new year ever.

in a massive effort to ensure an insanely sweet new year,
and to go beyond the old apples & honey...
mum and i spent hours in the kitchen this weekend cranking out:
crystallized ginger
pretzel caramels
apple donuts 
a million kinds of jelly
apple donuts stuffed with jelly {namely, jalapeno jelly}
honey cake
sweet corn ice cream
cotton candy
...and so much more.
i think the guests at our rosh hashanah fest thought we'd lost our minds.
but having a pretty table full of homemade candies 
and other noshies is oh-so-very satisfying. 
see before i came home, i told mum that we wouldn't be eating anything during the weekend that we didn't make from scratch. and we almost stuck to it.
friday pizza night doesn't count. especially in chicago. 
below are recipes and links that we used...
of course we still had apples & honey. but they were freshly picked fuji and honey crisp apples. and freshly whipped creamed honey
caramels {+ crunched up pretzels on top}
pumpkin ice cream {half of the sweet corn base, minus the corn + 1/2 a can of pumpkin + cloves + cinnamon + ginger + nutmeg}
apple donuts {we substituted apple butter for the cider and topped them with creamed honey}
ricotta {+ rosemary, thyme, and basil from the garden}
jalapeno jelly* {vinegar + jalapenos + sugar + pectin}
ginger jelly* {juice from the crystallized ginger + sugar + lemon + pectin}
hotberry jam* {strawbees + bluebees + raspbees + jalapeno + lemon + sugar + rosemary + water}
apple butter* {apples + autumny spices + pectin + water}
maple mustard* {mustard powder + white wine vinegar + sugar + maple extract + turmeric}
*i winged it with these things. just play around with those ingredients in a saucepan until it tastes good.
mum was in charge of the honey apple cake, the pumpkin challah, and the pickles... and i think they came out of real live cookbooks... so we're all out of luck on those ones.

& honey

mum and i did apple picking in preparation for making
apple donuts,
apple jelly,
caramel apples,
i don't know if this was allowed, but we ate a few apples fresh from the tree. and they were the yummiest, crispiest, sweetest apples i ever had. if i go to jail for that, it will have been worth it. 

this punkin bread i made

is in fact more of a pumpkin cake.
 and the ultimate sign that fall is looking us straight in the eye.
{but calling it bread makes me feel less bad about eating 12 pieces in one day} 
...and sweet cheeses i love fall
i love sweaters and scarves and not feeling like i should be at an outdoor bar every night. i love beginning the fiscal year, cloves, and the pumpkin water ice at rita's. but you know what is also silly: i love spring, too. and summer, and winter. seasons rock so much! but i also love california, and its year-round warmness. so therefore... everything rocks! except rain. 
i digress. 
here's the recipe for the above pumpkin bread:
ingredients: 1/2 a can of pumpkin puree + 2 eggs + 1/2 cup vegetable oil + 1/3 cup water + 1 1/2 cups sugar + 1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger + 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour + 1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour + 1 teaspoon baking powder + 3/4 teaspoon salt + 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon + 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg + 1/4 teaspoon allspice +  1 cup chocolate chips 
clues: mix together the pumpkin + eggs + oil + water + sugar + ginger. in a separate bowl, mix together the rest of the ingredients. combine the two. bake in a greased 7 x 3 loaf pan at 350 for 50ish minutes. 
