
risotto for fall

{and ways i'm turning into my mum}
risotto is never a summer dish in my fammy.
it'll heat up the kitchen! you don't want to stand over a hot stove for that long in this weather.
says mum.
so yesterday, on the first day of fall, i made risotto!
mizuna + tomatoes + rice milk + beer + veggie broth + so much garlic
and also yesterday: i found a fourth grey hair.
i am 22 and totally greying. just like mum did.
...no more do i paint my finger nails because "they just chip in a day or two" {that, a direct mum quote}
and when the clock strikes any hour that's really early in the morning, i am up, wide awake, doing something productive.
 i also find myself cringing at the site of anything plastic in the kitchen that isn't tupperware. sorry, trusty hot water boiler. 
before i know it i'll be looking all over for my reading glasses that are on my head, and calling my future offspring every five minutes to tell them about the fresh herbs from the garden.
ahh, but it's ok. my guy friends think that mum is hot.

scarves + schnitzels

i'm not actually convinced that fall is here for good yet.
it came quite abruptly, no?
either way, i acted like fall this weekend.
i put on my big fat scarf and rode around town...
i swung by the hester street fair to eat a sweet onion schnitzel,
made a mental note to make punkin bread this week,
and observed the leaves for signs of color-changing. none yet!

and then i rode off to long island city for my first trip to p.s. 1,
which was disappointing because i actually think that 
i'm one of those dumb people who the smart visual art people 
look down upon for not understanding their work. 
so i rode to greenpoint and ate a peter pan donut... 
and then made some art of my own 
with wood shapes and things i found on the ground.
i also watered some plants, 
ate a pancake, 
and played around with silly camera settings...
and did a very unfall thing by way of 
trying a million zillion flavors of frozen yogurt at sixteen handles.
it was pretty much the perfect weekend.
except for when i had to cough every five seconds during a 30 minute babbitt piece at greg's recital. which is a lot of having to cough, and a lot of fearing to be that person that coughs during the babbitt. 
but who needs cough drops when you have the corner taco truck.

shameless loves, by katie

things that {my high school friend!!} katie loves
{but really probably shouldn't}

running after the bus in full sprint
eating artificial cheese: cheez-its, canned cheese dip, cheese powder on popcorn, cheese chips, mac and cheese
meats wrapped in bacon (especially if it has some cheese in there too)
adding gossip girl to the dvr of the family i nanny for
making a family-size casserole and eating half of it alone while watching disney movies
wearing leggings as pants (horribly shameful but it 
is november)
not showering and wearing my "man-friend's" clothes to class because all mine are dirty- then being called out for it by my professor
paying for things in change

things wrapped in bacon? yep... i think that wins.
thank you, my katie!!!
and a very happy no shame november to you!


shameless loves, by ashley

things that ashley loves
{but really probably shouldn't}

not exercising...
not shaving legs
listening to christmas music
eating a crap load of sweet potatoes
reality tv!!
hefeweizen beer
snuggling with my snuggie
country music
farting (i mean... girls don't fart) more than my boyfriend
ice cream, frozen yogurt, and mcdonalds soft serve!
compulsively checking facebook

hehe... she's right. girls don't fart... i think :-)
thank you, miss ashley!!
and a very happy no shame november to you!

