
shameless loves, by madeline

things that madeline loves
{but really probably shouldn't}

1. granny panties- i'm just not a thong style girl anymore and frankly fancy undies are too expensive and get eaten by my dryer. (not the high-waisted kind, however, i'm not that embarrassing...yet)

2. the movie how to deal with mandy moore.

3. mandy moore in general. i love her. i don't know why!

4. my boyfriend's old, light heather grey air force issue sweatpants. i could wear them all winter long, even though the poor things are beat to death.

5. old oriental rugs. i'm such an old bag lady.

6. watching talks by economists on ted.com

7. being barefoot all the time, especially outdoors/at school/at work.

8. pizza. i love pizza so much i could eat it every day. every. single. day.

9. watching the wedding singer & crying at the end every time.

10. singing paramore songs extremely loudly in my car on the way to school.

11. big macs. i only allow myself one a year...& i'm counting down the days 'til 2010.

12. spooning with my dog.

13. my huge infatuation with it's always sunny in philadelphia. i tell at least one person a day how much i love that show.

14. my huge crush on mac (rob mcelhenney) from said show. =X

15. that we are planning to frame the rockband box and hang it up in our next house. we're nerds!

thank you, madeline!!



things i love (the no shame november edition)

i love coming across lists of things people love...
{like this one from sprinkles
and this one from miss madeline elle
and this one about autumn from red boots
and this one from teacups!}

so i have decided to make a list of things that i love!
except... let me remind you all that it is in fact no shame november

so with that said, i will now shamelessly make a list of:

things that i love
{but really probably shouldn't}

1. juicy couture velour track suits.
i'm a college student.
and i know they should have all been out of my closet
by the time i was 14.
but they're pretty colored and comfy.
so. whatever.

2. britney spears, madonna, nsync, backstreet boys, the like...

mostly lance bass

3. nacho cheese,
fried cheese,
american cheese,
velveeta cheese,
spray can cheese.

4. new york city construction workers that tell you you're pretty and you smell good

5. airplane food

7. saying the f word really loudly at the most (in)appropriate times

8. the greenpeace people that harass people on the streets.
they make good walking buddies when you lead them to believe that you may just have an extra fifteen bucks a month to spare

9. calculus

10. gossip girl

11. going to baseball games just to eat the hot dogs.

and by the way, go yankees :-)

so there it is.
do you have things you love that you're way too embarrassed to admit?
november's the time to do it.
{and if you make a list and email it to me (and if it's shameless enough) i may just post it!}



happy november!!

it's no shave,
no shame

and today i rang it in the right way
(the no shame part. the no shave part only applies to guys).

first, i subway-ed up to my columbia class, just in time to figure out that all classes are cancelled for fall break.
i stood in my empty class room for quite some time figuring out what do to with my newly acquired free hour and a quarter.
my decision was: i will use up the roll of film in my new plastic camera on columbia's pretty campus!
so that is what i did.
...and then i realized that the lens cap was on the whole entire time.

(i wonder what people were thinking when they saw me. but guess what? it's no shame november, so who cares?)

to further my shamelessness,
i plan on stocking up on half price halloween candy at the duane reade. and eating it all.

and speaking of halloween,
i will get pictures of my SWEET costume up once i find a place that still develops film in this city.

oh and i'm so excited...

sarah shu weekend is nearing!

at least...

the at least list...
{the happy list's cynical younger sibling}

1. at least i woke up at 7:45 and not 6:45
2. at least i got four hours of sleep and not three hours  of sleep
3. at least it's all for the good cause of teaching little kiddies
4. at least i have a shiny new starbucks card with which i will purchase a pumpkin spice latte on the way to school.
5. at least i can sleep in tomorrow
6. at least i have tap class today
7. at least i got a sweet care packeege from mum yesterday that had a lot of cool nail polish
8. at least i might have time to actually paint my nails sometime, late november
9. at least halloween is coming up and at least i have a SWEET costume planned out
10. at least six people might actually understand my costume

in other words, it is way to early for me to be up on a weekend.

woe. IS ME!


oh i luv you all
