
rainbow cookies.

{a supposedly fun thing i'll never do again.}
making these cookies was like going to juilliard: it was really very fun and enjoyable, but tell me i'll have to do it again and i'll run upstairs to my room, hold my stuffed penguin, assume the fetal position, and breathe real fast/cry/shake my head real fast and repeat "no" a million times. i mean, i should have known: eight sticks of butter? a dozen eggs? $30 worth of almond paste? what the hell?!

and had my friend, the viennesoire man from the bakery down the street, not been here helping me, how ever would i have acquired a bowl large enough to hold all of that* or had the emotional strength to do that flippy thing with the pans to get all of the layers on top of one another?

*in fact, using the bath tub wouldn't have been out of the question.

as yummy as the outcome was, it was the most stressful cookie i ever did make. i should have known better, i should have done more research, but there's something unkosher about seeing a recipe for one of your top four favorite cookies and not trying it out. 

oh well. 

you live and you learn not to trust the recipe with the eight sticks of butter. 
and you get a little fat in the process, but you also make new friends in that new band you're playing glockenspiel with.


p.s. if, for some sick reason, you're still wanting to make these, this version is nicely divided into a half batch of the version that i made. i'd highly recommend this. 

how the mensch stole christmas.

here's how this apartment does chrismukkuh:
decemberists sing-alongs
bacon latkes, kimchi latkes
fancy dresses
a vintage apron
candy cane elephant ears from your friend, the viennesoire man
multi-racial gingerbread transgenders
gingerbread replicas of well-known political figures, complete with m & m sex organs 
rainbow cookies that took two entire days to make
rainbow christmas lights strung on the hanukkuh bush
enough christmas lights to light all of brooklyn
spiked hot chocolate with homemade almond marshmallows 
the kind of epicn-ess that only happens when people arrive at your door with things like home-brewed honey liqueur, a fiddle, and the best pimento cheese on the face of the planet.


mia ballerina

{or, more accurately, mia tap dancer}
i finally put on real human clothes and stepped out of the house yesterday to go to mia's dance recital. it was fantastic! she shuffled and stamped and ball changed all the way to the congratulatory cookie cake that i made her :-) way to go , sis!

note to self

dear molly-of-two-days-ago:
if you don't stay in and nurse that nasty cough back to health,
and order the cheap wine to accompany your fried pizza,
and then proceed to accidentally stay out until the morning time
playing bocce ball in brooklyn with rob,
and then make a little stop in times square on the way home 
during a snow storm,
you will wake up the next morning with a full blown nasty cold.
and you will be forced to take shot after shot of dayquil,
chased by about four different batches of matzo ball soup.
 you'll also be forced to stay in and make peanut butter sandwich cookies 
{using the treats truck recipe}
and you will be coughing coughing all through sunday football.
and guess what!
it will all be worth it and your friends will take care of you
and, yes, a complete stranger will give you a high five 
because he thinks you're pretty.
in two days you will be tired and you will have a hurty throat,
but you'll have a fun little grin on your face because this weekend
was magnificent!