
homemade nutter butters.

about that new year's resolution with the cookies:
i've been failing gloriously and i love it!
my biggest failure success yet has been 
homemade nutter butters!
peanut butter and i have this special relationship
because for the longest time i couldn't have it since
mum is allergic.
{it is kind of like jack and rose from
the titanic, except jack is peanut butter}
so now that i don't live at home anymore,
i do just about everything with mr. pb. 
for these off-the-hook/unbelievable/light & fluffy sammich cookies
i used bouchon bakery's recipe. and i quartered the recipe because
i don't know there is just something about a recipe that calls
for a pound of butter that screams i am not part of a new year's
resolution. i also made them smaller than bouchon's, and there 
were still more than enough for my office mates and the like.
they are extremely delicious and worth every brussel sprout.

meet the gingers.

 they are a very stylish family!
they reside in milwaukee. 
 esther and sima are mrs. and mrs. ginger.
esther is a cantonese translator and sima is a stay-at-home cookie.
 zoe is their oldest female-bodied offspring.
he is an expert yoga practitioner and a hoarder.
 j.j. and peter were adopted from canada.
they are twins.
 ...i think
 marla is tanning off her weight.
and soo young is the baby,
 and also an aspiring rabbi. 

they wish you a happy christmas!


peanut butter sugar cookies!

{with halloween-y jimmies!}


earned a new definition with my attempted dumpling costume. what i was going for was essentially an upside down bed sheet ghost, where my legs would go through the eye holes and everything would meet up at the top and be tied neatly around my neck. more of a shumai than a guotie, if you catch my drift. instead i got a big fat spit ball... and a frowny face.

so i made peanut butter cookies. they're really tasty and easy. here are the clues:

with a mixer, combine 4 tbs softened butter 4 tbs peanut butter 1 c sugar

add 1 large egg + 1 tspn vanilla

in another bowl, combine 2 c flour 1/2 tspn baking powder a pinch of salt

{if you're using unsalted peanut butter, up the salt}

combine the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients. if the dough is too crumbly, add a bit more peanut butter.

divide into two rolls, 1.5 inches in diameter, roll in jimmies!

wrap in cling wrap and freeze while you watch one episode of revenge, or for like 45 minutes.

slice into 3/4 inch discs, and bake at 325, preferably on a pizza stone, for ten-ish minutes.

eat them all immediately!!!!


fig newtons

{and fig newtons with nutella}

lance brought in office figs last week.
and i said, "lance, you have a thing for figs."
and he said, "yeah."
so i made office fig newtons. 
i used this recipe,
which combines my recent ventures in jam with a basic-ish orangey sugar cookie. it isn't the dark brown cake-y cookie in a real fig newton that makes you feel like you're doing good by eating whole wheat or whatever. but it's good. 
and they're good. 
and naturally, one third of them are spiked with nutella.
how is that for getting figgy with it?