

eggboy and i recently decided to stop distinguishing between breakfast vegetables {like hash browns and bagel accoutrements} and dinner vegetables {everything else, emphasis on the greens} and with the risk of sounding preachy, it is great and everyone should do it. i love starting my day off with a handful of greens topped with an egg. it makes me feel all energy-ish and it gives me healthy points in the bank so i don't feel as bad when i come home after a long day and only want cheese for dinner.

a few days ago we added turkey bacon as a side and then pan fried some shallots in the bacon fat {inspired by this recipe}. and then i somehow captured the steam off of it in a photo eggboy thinks is badass and makes him look like a rapper. 

happy morning to you!



this morning: a slice of domino's leftover from yesterday's perfect snow day activity of delivery and downton abbey and half of a beer in bed. warmth by way of gorillas

later: mickey mouse buckwheat waffles for breakfast #2. perhaps dotted with some belgian pearl sugar and topped with crunchy speculoos. 

even later: eggboy has a surprise for me. he says to bring my bathing suit and hunting boots and i should be hungry. i think the bathing suit part is just to throw me off, but i suppose we can't know for sure until a few hours from now. 


brunch with the boys

over the weekend, brian and cutlet came for one of those long, lazy, highly caffeinated brunches that i crave each and every day of the week. it was so nice to see brian, who had come in from out of town for the week. and also of course it's always a treat with cutlet, who had come allll the way from queens. the morning reminded me of sunday mornings during the college years when we'd sit around the practice room sign out sheets, comparing notes on hangovers. only this time we were basking in the sun and marginally more sophisticated.

the menu:

veggie quiche with sweet potato hash brown crust*
maple syrup with a side of bacon
black coffee x a bazillion septrillion

*to make the crust, shred 1 1/2-2 sweet potatoes, mix with about 3 tablespoons of melted butter, an egg, and salt and pepper to taste. firmly pack the mixture on the bottom and around the edges of a cake pan and bake at 450 until it sets (15-20 minutes). substitute this for the crust in your favorite quiche recipe!
