
i once was lost but now i am found.

a dozen smiley, colorful, loving little eggs from song away farm were gifted to me last monday by a new coworker friend. all week long they have been my adorable baby muses, receiving the fabergé treatment complete with a perfect morning photo shoot on a just-cloudy-enough day.

i first cracked into a medium-boiled greenish blue beauty and then lost myself all dreamy like in the nutty, sweet flavor. no salt or tabasco necessary.

then i made a scramble a là-ish jean georges in that delightful dog slobber way and topped it with just a bit of charcoal salt for some fun color. 

a shakshuka dinner and a cobb salad later, i am down to but two little song away eggs. i may slow poach one, i may preserve one, i may just marry one and get it over with.

i love these little guys!



this morning i am listening to song from the uproar and enjoying a hole-in-the-middle that's been smeared with leek pesto and sprinkled with charcoal salt atop one of my new animal plates. 

this week, as january weeks are, was a busy bee* week, and thankfully my morningtime boss {me} has graciously given me this morning off to eat my eggs in peace, free of any to-do lists. 

*they were, however, such good busy bees! and included a visit from pops {complete with a lovely pre-sumeida's song premiere pappardelle and chicken at the dutch}, and one mysterious text message that contained the number and lock combination of maria's locker, wherein i found a surprise maple bacon cupcake. cupcakes on a thursday in january? happy perfect holiday to me!

maybe january isn't all that bad...

happy weekend, everybody!


recipe: cornmeal pancakes

the thing about having gfgfs and gfbfs {gluten free girl friends and gluten free boy friends} is that brunch is sometimes a real scary meal. especially in my family when it's not uncommon for brunch to mean cinnamon rolls with a side of bagels wrapped in pancakes after an amuse-bouche of scones. and french toast. and how about a quiche?

so i was real proud of myself yesterday afternoon when i flopped out of bed and managed to make some super yummy pancakes that simply happened to be gluten free.

ergo: i did not feel bad for eggboy, who is gluten free, when i used up the last of his smoothie berries and then proceeded to be a little cba about making him eggs. tee hee.
cornmeal pancakes
these are quite dense and cakey, like an actual cake that you've just made in a pan. they're best straight away, while they're still super hot. so none of this waiting for all of them to be done cooking business.

1 c corn meal
1 c corn flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp + a pinch salt
1/4 c white sugar
3/4 c milk
1 egg + 2 egg whites
2 tb vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
butter, to grease the pan
optional: blueberries, jalapenos, chocolate chips... anything mix-ins you please

in a large bowl, whisk to combine corn meal, corn flour, baking soda, and 1/2 tsp salt. mix in milk, egg, vegetable oil, and extracts.

in a separate bowl, beat egg whites and pinch of salt until stiff peaks form. gently fold these into the cornmeal mixture.

melt butter in a pan over medium heat. pour in about 1/3 cup of batter for each pancake. drop in your mix-ins of choice. cook for a few minutes on either side, until lightly brown.

enjoy while you're still standing over the stove cooking the rest of the batter. 


scones with a side of tambourine

this morning i am having a big honking breakfast and studying carmina burana. i hope my little tambourine rolls aren't disturbing the neighbors. but then again, i'm pretty sure the little ones have gone off to preschool... and another neighbor plays the saxophone. 

this pumpkin scone leftover from a few weeks ago is almost as good after it has been frozen and thawed as it was fresh. note to self: buy more butter, make more scones. i'm afraid of putting marmalade on it though because marmalade-y fingers, i am sure, do not a good tambourine roll make. 

happy thursday, everyone! it's almost the weekend it's almost the weekeeennndddd!!!!
