

happy fifty seven seventy snake, everyone!

for the third time in six months a new year rolled around and you know what they say about the third time... something about it being dumpling-filled and noodle-y. so melissa and i enlisted an army of dumpling makers, black sesame ice cream experts, fortune writers {to write socially relevant fortunes}, and polaroid photogs to throw a snake-y soirée of the most non-snake-y because snakes freak the shit out of me. 

and it was so yummy and fun to get in touch with my chinese half and eat tons of noodles and put mochi in my cookies!


this weekend

this weekend i did not shower at all and i did not put on makeup. it was a perfect few days for alpaca socks and brussels sprouts and morning bok choy. most of my time this weekend was spent in the kitchen making dumplings and scallion pancakes. but i also got out a bit, mainly to find myself at the heaven-on-earth that is kalustyan's where i bought matcha green tea powder and hickory smoke powder and the kind of sugar you need for liège waffles. smokey pearl sugar cupcakes anyone?? this weekend eggboy sang the beatles to me in my newly made over room, and i purchased the most perfect little tea party tray from ikea. {oh yeah, we had a friday date to ikea!} this weekend i got into the valentine's day spirit, i brewed eggboy his first cup of coffee in a very long time, i discussed gangnam style over the internet radio, and roommate patrick had really wonderful pit stains.

{this weekend was, i'd say, quite perfect.}


eggboy's first dim sum

{through vsco cam}
coaxing eggboy into a meal where gluten and fried foods and fast-paced cart-pushers are at the center of it all is a little bit of a challenge. especially when you honestly don't remember the last time you had a vegetable at dim sum that wasn't pulverized and dumplingized. but when you're halfway across the manhattan bridge on your way into chinatown, there's not really any turning back. oops. but the farmboy took it like a champ, eating tofu and shrimpy things. and in the end i was fool re: my first chicken foot situation. good job, eggboy!