

there were so many opportunities for the waitstaff at zenkichi to make me feel like a bimbo. like, when i put my limited japanese vocabulary to use {i can say hello and thank you and small lonely object}, and when i asked to substitute the mushroom thing on the vegetarian omakase for a chicken thing. i would have made me feel like a bimbo. but instead, the waitpeople were outstandingly accommodating and lovely and every one of my midwestern-twanged arigatos got an excited don'ttouchmymustache in response. 
i was in love even before i got the house made tofu and super sweet yummy sake. 
and potato mochi donuts. that came with just enough spicy mayo.
and the most classy onigiri i ever had.
and...frozen black sesame mousse!!!!! it was so good it deserved italics.
 this meal was such a delight.
i mean, just look at how delighted i look.
and then when you factor in the private little coops that are equipped with little bells that ring the waitress, 
the possibilities to use the garnish to give yourself bunny ears without being embarrassed in front of strangers are endless.
this is the kind of place i'd want to have my birthday party at.

zenkichi is in williamsburg on north 6th and wythe. 

the annual dumplings of the world festival

the festival started at sunrise,
with a bacon + egg + gruyère version of these cornish pasties.
from there it was uphill into a mess of doughy outrageousness.
the barbecue carrot buns,
spätzle + brussel sprouts,
and samosas
were the tastiest.
and after those i vowed never to eat anything every again...
until the pierogi came out and all bets were off.
accompanied by marshmallow peppermint martinis?
oh yes, please.
repeat that last step until we realize that 
we've completely forgotten about the black sesame mochi. oops!
oh but it was a very successful festival indeed...
complete with four puppy sous chefs,
old ice skating videos,
and stoopie's face breaking out in a glorious rash!
{but p.s. utter the words "soup dumpling" and i might vom.}

things filled with things

it's a smiley face!
my goal was 100 in one week. is that disgusting?
after 30 in three days, i forfeited. but do you want to hear what that included?
more soup dumplings than i ever could have imagined
super secret nepalese dumplings
black sesame buns
sugar-coated pork buns
fried steamed buns
red bean dumplings
vegetable buns where the filling isn't all just stupid cabbage
and they were all so flavorful, and the bun textures had such great integrity, and the soup dumpling soup was so sooo yummy. i mean, for real is soup dumpling soup ever that yummy in the states? or are people just gaga enough over the idea of soup in a dumpling that they don't care if it forgot its flavor? 
omg you guys, how am i still alive?

{where i ate these dumplings, in order from my most favorite to still my favorite but not as much}
crystal jade i know, it is totally a big chain. but they had me at their special peanut sauce steak buns.
tim ho wan their sugar-coated pork buns were so good i could have died, but after three i felt like butt and just actually wanted to die. however, when i recover i will figure out how to make them.
din tai fung DTF! 
super secret nepalese place you kind of just have to hope that you end up at a certain bar with someone who knows someone who will make a phone call. at which point a whole ton of dumplings with a garlicky sauce will be delivered. hopefully.