MY NAME IS ______

in high school, when i first heard the name and music of

nico muhly

 i immediately hatched the ultimate plan to go to school in new york, find him, and marry him, so that i may be called

molly muhly

. i could have an awesome alliterate name and

it's about time

would have been my jam all day every day. short story shorter it didn't happen, yet i did break my squid-eating virginity with him just the other day. {and

it's about time

was the opening of my senior recital.}

in many ways i am inspired by nico: not just by his music, but also by his use of language in his blog and 


feed and real life. it's original and gets the point across. he also has bulk amounts of


energy. so it's for these reasons that i've made him the first subject of the

manhattanites in march

subsection of the

my name is _____



// ev

erybody has to buy

nadia sirota

's album


 which i have some pieces on and which is a very beautiful thing.


// i 

am wildly looking forward to


at BAM

[this week!].

 we're also doing it in l.a. as part of a

"brooklyn festival"

and i feel like an impostor because i've been to l.a. more times than i've been to brooklyn.


// i

just made a huge pile of ravioli. i'm a lazy shit so i bought sheets of fresh pasta from


on grand street but made the filling out of ricotta, lemon zest, broccoli rabe, and a mash't potato.


// d

on't iron your hair in the dark or you will end up with a fucked up harry potter scar.



nico: matthew murphy




hair ironing


{with as much alliteration as possible.}
-teach pataflaflas.
-go to the library, check out vermont counterpoint.
-put out peanuts, pickles, cheese, and pilsners. and possibly pinot.
-practice the first 60 digits of pi for a good party trick.
-caramelize many many onions. in a pan.
-text mum to see if it's george gershwin's birthday.
-bake the sweet potato pie.
-bake the oatmeal pie.
-retrieve the crack pie from its cooling stage.
-eat pie with percussionists.



MY NAME IS ______

usually when you see someone pee on stage every day for a couple of weeks you're like

oh i'm going to remember that girl as the girl who peed on stage.

but not with

lauren worsham

. her mad singing skillz are mad enough to conquer any sort of pee-related reputation and turn it into a real awesome one. we met during 

dog days

{where she totally killed it} and this week she is performing in an 80s-style

turn of the screw



check it out everyone, i bet it is going to be tiiiight {also


is right near b.a.m. so eat garlic knots and then go see some screw}.



center: kristin hoebermann

sky-pony: esty stein


garlic knots

penicillin roqueforti


over the weekend i ate hamantaschen and basically only hamantaschen.
i showered, i brushed my hair, i went to manhattan {things i don't often do on a weekend}.
eggboy and i went to a roller derby in gowanus {things we don't often do on a weekend}.
and we saw dave play xenakis and viñao {things i want to do way more often on a weekend}.

also this weekend i visited eggboy's apartment for the second time ever. {it has a pretty brick wall and a minnesota flag.}
the wind about knocked me horizontal.
and, look, a new feature began!
