molly yeh

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this morning i am listening to song from the uproar and enjoying a hole-in-the-middle that's been smeared with leek pesto and sprinkled with charcoal salt atop one of my new animal plates. 

this week, as january weeks are, was a busy bee* week, and thankfully my morningtime boss {me} has graciously given me this morning off to eat my eggs in peace, free of any to-do lists. 

*they were, however, such good busy bees! and included a visit from pops {complete with a lovely pre-sumeida's song premiere pappardelle and chicken at the dutch}, and one mysterious text message that contained the number and lock combination of maria's locker, wherein i found a surprise maple bacon cupcake. cupcakes on a thursday in january? happy perfect holiday to me!

maybe january isn't all that bad...

happy weekend, everybody!
