molly yeh

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week 11: edzo's burger shop

i didn't come out of the womb liking condiments and accouterments.
no, no, no.
i came out of the womb a plain cheeseburger gal.
to the point where,
i'd force mum to double,
and triple check
that there were 
no pickles 
on my burger king plain cheeseburger. 

well, sheesh, i guess i've really grown up 
because just the other day,
i walked into what is nominated in time out chicago for one of chicago's best new restaurants,
edzo's burger shop
and ordered a single burger
with everything.

and it's a darned good thing i did,
because everything is what makes an edzo's burger
pretty freaking awesome.

{i feel the terminology,
 "pretty freaking awesome" 
is fitting for food from a place with walls so bright you need sunshades.}

it wasn't just the meat.
it wasn't just the bun.
it wasn't just the mustard...
or any of the other accouterments.
it was really about how all of the friends worked together in peace and harmony.
the full package, if you will.

which, you know, is a different experience from 
the famed/illustrious minetta tavern black label burger.
but for lunch,
i more appreciate patties that are small enough to have the option of getting one, two, or six,
and paired with some veggies.

also on the menu was
angry fries
fries with jalepoños and jalapeño juices.

they weren't crispy.
but they weren't soggy,
they had a sort of chewy texture that i've never met in a fry before.
satisfying it was. 
and a fork it required.

friend becca got a
nutella milkshake
yes, that's right, she got a 
nutella milkshake

and it really is as good as it sounds.
it's just one of those ideas that makes you smack your forehead and say, 
"why didn't i think of that?"

oh, and of course i mooched.

friends billy and julia got 
on their burgers.
kids, that's not kosher!

and billy got
trufffffffffle fries
dang those were goooooood. 
mainly because, it was like,
would you like some fries with that parmesan cheese?
 i think they would have been better triple or quadruple fried,
but the taste was mighty awesome.

edzo's is totally a solid lunch place.
especially if you have three free hours in the middle of the day to submit to food coma afterwards.
which, i promise you, 
you will get food coma.
{worth it}

i wonder which of my next 41  restaurants will give me worse food coma...



edzo's burger shop is on orrington & davis in evanston, il. 
closed mondays. every other day open from 10:30 am - 4:00 only, 
so that ed can eat dinner with his family. how cute is that?