molly yeh

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an edible museum, a trip through time, hong kong's answer to katz's: lin heung is no place for the hungry timid. it's for the elbow-y, stomach-of-steel, or i-don't-speak-cantonese-but-my-dad-kind-of-speaks-mandarin types. sausage buns flavored with rosewater, malay cakes towered over tea... foreign things and more foreign things that, honest, i would have tried had i not been in my salad-craving phase.

a moon cake bakery at the front waves hello and goodbye and sells perfect little treats for your friends in minnesota. nice strangers at your table hopefully show you the ropes, otherwise there is always google to tell you that you do not wait for the food carts to come to you. you take your ticket, you conquer the crowd, and goddamnit you earn your pork buns.
