molly yeh

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ah, yes, the monday of months. 

no gift giving holidays, no swimming pool weather, and it feels just a wee bit early to make a valentine's cake.

sometimes during january it's like what else is there besides new girl and youtube videos of last year's world synchronized skating championships and dumb made up holidays?

...i spent yesterday with waffles. so there's that.

and einstein on the beach is streaming, so there's that too.

oh! and the turkey meatballs from jerusalem. they's good.

(could it be? is this turning into a happy list?)

marzipan balls.

fleece lined things.

my new vintage coffee pot with the colorful chicken on it.

kelsey's take on january.

all this talk of man buns. jason brown's pony tail.

and no, but really, you need to get into synchronized skating. if nothing else, just please watch this.

a blizzard is a comin! so what else is new. these days i believe that the best warmth comes from a risotto pan. minutes and minutes stood at a risotto pan, spoon in one hand, wine in the other, stirring your little bum off until you can stir no longer and you're just so hungee and before you know it you're down to one layer because the heat! there's a blizzard outside??

happy watch-all-the-heath-ledger-movies day!
