molly yeh

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{1} marzipan over a chocolate cake for farmer gene and his wife, {2} a carrot cake that looks "too normal" according to mum, {3} my response to mum's concern, {4} a cookie cake for jaclyn, {5} red velvet with cream cheese and coconut, {6} rosette practice. oy.

you guys. 

this whole nocturnal thing is baaaaananas. a typical day for me begins at 1 am with things like cinnamon rolls the size of my head and sixty cavity's worth of caramel rolls. by 5 am i'll typically be frosting a cake or cupcakes, and then after that i come home and wake eggboy up with shakshuka or egg tacos or some other big breakfast because it's dinner for me and a typical meal for him.

you'd think the logical next step would be for me to go to sleep while eggboy farms... but 1) i have not yet found blackout curtains that are anywhere near acceptably pretty, 2) it appears that small towns come with a bell tower that likes to play patriotic tunes every hour on the hour, and 3) i just started watching orange is the new black.  

so your girl is running on approximately negative hours of sleep and i have zits about it.

but it is so worth it!  

because i am frosting so many cakes! and it is so fun and creatively challenging! and no offense to my sister's wedding cake but with the help from the other bakers and the pressure knowing that the cakes i make are going to people who aren't in my immediate family is making me feel way more legit. (except for when i over beat the cream cheese frosting and it gets droopy, which so far has been every time.)

almost every day this week i've come home from the bakery and made more cake, mostly for friends, so the above photos are a mix of ones i've made at the bakery and ones i've made at home.

not pictured: the salty pimp inspired cupcakes that i made today that are in fact "salty princesses" because i suppose one simply does not throw around the word "pimp" in grand forks, north dakota. at least not as it pertains to desserts.

ok. it's 11 am aka way past my bedtime and i think i will go write about new music. 
