molly yeh

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well! i survived my very second hiking trip. and this time i liked it! ​and not just because we accidentally only had two hours on the mountain (we are not good at researching train schedules, apparently). eggboy and i were due for some time spent away from the city and the subways and the crowds--so due that we couldn't even wait until our trip to the suburbs ​next week. just seeing some greenery and hills gave us happy times, and in between discussions about game of thrones we decided that we should probably spend more time in the forrest. with bug spray and snackees. 

halfway through our hike we found the perfect rock for a perfect picnic. it included green beans with some beautiful garlic scapes that i found at the market last week, all cooked up in a mustard-y white balsamic dressing. also, an egg for eggboy, a kale trail mix (+ cranberries + almonds + dark chocolate espresso nibs, yum!), and an apple peanut butter o'clock complete with a homemade individual almond butter packet.​ boy, if i could make cute little lunchies all day every day, i think i would.  

i think next i'd like to pack a cute little lunchie for a rafting trip... and then maybe a canoe trip... and then, dare i say it, a camping trip!​
