holidays and celebrations

if santa claus and hanukah harry had a love child...

{this is what i would ask him for}

1. a camera...

as my baby canon that i've had forever just died :-(

2. this marc by marc jacobs beauty.
i mean, duh, it's mustard yellow.

3. tickets to the ring at bayreuth
" the majority of cases we shall be able to deal with first-time applicants only after a period of several years"
-the baruther festpielehaus on applying for tickets

4. an old fashioned record player + some old french records,
a la jenny from an education
{and a fire place in my apartment to sit by and listen...}

5. a life long membership to murray's cheese of the month club

{...and also... stocking stuffers rock my WORLD}

matte nail polish
a leather {lined} journal


...and a roger cline volume adjustable ratchet
{don't even ask}

that's all, schmanta clausenstein.



24 hours in jacksonville

after my thanksgiving in tampa,
i headed up to jacksonville
to visit one of my very best friends,

{a.k.a. z }

we had exactly 24 hours from the time he picked me up in tampa
until my flight back to new york.
here is what we did...

17:00 pound red bulls
{for we shall be awake for all 24 hours}

18:00 on the road...

19:00 interview z
for the upcoming post,
"the zinterview"

20:00 first stop in jacksonville, whole foods
for some mac and cheese supplies

the finalists:

port salut
pepper jack
jasper hill clothbound cheddar
midnight moon
grés des vosges

21:00 begin mac and cheese production.
mac and cheeze with aziz has been somewhat of a tradition
ever since i was in high school,
ever since we realized how well "cheese"
rhymes with "aziz"

22:00 mac, you are dunzo
yes, that is applewood smoked bacon
no, you are not kosher

bachelor + first house = no furniture =

23:00 seconds on the mac, please.
add count basie as needed

00:00 midnight xylophone

1:00 attempts at staying awake for all 24 hours fail miserably.

11:00 brunch at brick

12:00 still at brick...

13:00 still at brick...

as the conversation has unfortunately been plagued by political discussion.
me + politics = bad.
me + z + politics = run for your life.

14:00 z shows me his new work place!
{jacksonville symphony's concert hall!}

right on the water!

15:00 i get a tambourine lesson

16:00 snackees at the airport
(does anyone else like airport food?)

17:00 bye bye, z! bye bye, florida!
{hello, holiday season...}



gobble gobble

thanksgiving in tampa

i'm thankful for palm trees
the sun

i'm thankful that cousins have me over to their beautiful house

i'm thankful that i'm somehow related to a balloon artist

...and i'm even more thankful that he made this
hella sweet cupcake balloon hat

i'm thankful for
sister stoopie + mum

"two stoops eating soup"

it was one big cooking party...

is there really anything better than cooking with your family all day??

yes, silly.
{it's drinking with your family all day...}

sister stoop + man

time to work up an appetite...

i'm thankful for these adorable place settings made by little cousins!

carving the tryptophan...

i'm thankful for this!!!!

good thing i wore my eating pants

this year's strategy for a successful pig-out
{inspired by the gobbler at the milburn deli}

1. slice open a sister schubert's roll
hailing from the south,
these rolls pack so much buttery goodness into one tiny morsel.
if you've never had one, get them now (they're available online).
i could eat six pans in one sitting.
2. spread on a dollop of cranberry sauce
3. slap on a slice of turkey, preferably covered in gravy
4. shovel on some stuffing
5. close, and eat like a sandwich
6. repeat
7. repeat
8. repeat
(etc etc)

i am sooooo thankful for my family!!!

i am also thankful that little cousin mia is the future leila josefowicz...

and most of all,
i am thankful for sharpie marker


time to hit the gym...



happy birthday!!!!!!

two of my most favorite people turned one year wiser and one year awesomer yesterday...

sarah shu
my half chinese brother.
that i (tap) danced with in high school.
and shared a prom group with.
and who faithfully visits me in nyc every year
so that we can try on expensive dresses at bergdorf's,
and watch spring awakening 7 times.

yay, salah!


happy 29th birthday, mum.
i love our adventures together
and i can't wait for you to visit again!!
everybody send mum good thoughts because she was sick on her birthday :-(

happy birthday!
i love you both!

