molly yeh

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last week, after a wonderful morning of surprise visitors bearing chocolate croissants and coworkers bearing home-brewed honey liqueur, i schlepped up to spanish harlem to photograph the last thing i'd ever expect to find in spanish harlem: a macaroon man that makes--mum, cover your ears--the best macaroons i ever damn had. they were so good and chewy and gooey and moist and amazing and on the way home i told myself "self, you will not open the bag of macaroons that the nice macaroon man gave you to bring home to mum, you will not," but i did. i opened the bag of macaroons that the nice macaroon man gave me to bring home to mum and i ate the one with chocolate on it {chocolate o'clock had not yet happened that day anyway}. oh it made the long long ride home so much better. 

go check out more photos of danny macaroons in this slideshow on jew and the carrot. there you'll also find danny's recipe for rice pudding macaroons!
