molly yeh

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sundays in the fall

sundays in the fall are for bringing your own pumpkin {b.y.o.p.}
and making whoopie pies, pumpkin butter, pumpkin bread, and mulled wine about it.
they are for putting bacon on your caramel apples, and sea salt on them too.
...for forgetting to take pictures of the apple cider donuts and for remembering to add a handful of bacon to the dough.
{for shutting up about bacon but also not caring when something is so 2009...}
sundays in the fall are for old friends, new friends, and ones that show up after everyone else has left so you can bask in the hum of the dishwasher, sip on porkslap, and discuss plans for taking over the future. 
sundays in the fall are for gingerbread mustard and vermont friends appearing in the doorway with my favorite vermont mustard.

sundays in the fall, oh how i love you so. summer fridays, you've got some serious competition.
