molly yeh

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i spy...

{a rosh hashanah party aftermath}

i spy with my little eye...
the remnants of the best sweet potato chips in the world,
the salt and pepper shakers that mum and i painted for my first little apartment on a hot summer night about a zillion years ago,
oven mits covered in brisket fat,
roommate's patrick literature that will always be way over my head,
an empty olive oil bottle that was full just hours earlier,
a strainer and a cutting board that belonged to old roommate grace. oh, i miss me some grace!
apples and honey, some turnips that went unused, popsicle molds from the i-don't-know-where-these-go pile,
and a generic grocery store pepper mill because for some reason i still do not have one of these. {it's called a housewarming present, people?}

but as mum always says, 
"a messy kitchen is a happy kitchen!"
