molly yeh

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30 hours with mum.

20 of which were spent eating.
the other 10: in the theater or shopping for cookie cutters.
and, i don't even know why i asked, but the first words out of my  mouth when she got to my apartment were why do you have that massive  suitcase? you are only here until tomorrow. of course it was to carry the lemon cake and pumpkin bread and madeleine pan and makeup presents. of course.
{i can't wait to do that for my offspring!}
in true mum-visit fashion, 
i think we beat everyone at eating this weekend,
for what we ate included:
sandwiches from no. 7 sub + a hot ass pickle + stumptown
on a couch in the ace hotel lobby mixing with the cool hip crowd?
and broccoli on a sandwich = tasty yum yums
gnocchi x 3 + vanilla soda {!!} at esca
over a discussion of my new schnitzel and calf skin drum head business model. with rob and so much laughing.
not late night snackees at má pêche 
because their website is confusing and f that and i wanna cry about it but i was still full from esca so it kind of worked out.
cake + carbonara for breakfast at prune
after nearly having a conniption from seeing the line and then having the opposite of a conniption upon seeing that jusbit was holding our spot nearly at the front. yay!
english muffins with peach jam at sarabeth's
because cookie cutter shopping really does take a lot out of you.
and sarabeth's english muffins are so delightful.
it was such a lovely weekend.
i simply couldn't have asked for anything more
{except more belly space!}
