molly yeh

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homemade nutter butters.

about that new year's resolution with the cookies:
i've been failing gloriously and i love it!
my biggest failure  success yet has been 
homemade nutter butters!
peanut butter and i have this special relationship
because for the longest time i couldn't have it since
mum is allergic.
{it is kind of like jack and rose from
the titanic, except jack is peanut butter}
so now that i don't live at home anymore,
i do just about everything with mr. pb. 
for these off-the-hook/unbelievable/ light & fluffy sammich cookies
i used bouchon bakery's recipe. and i quartered the recipe because
i don't know there is just something about a recipe that calls
for a pound of butter that screams i am not part of a new year's
resolution. i also made them smaller than bouchon's, and there 
were still more than enough for my office mates and the like.
they are extremely delicious and worth every brussel sprout.