molly yeh

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no shame november!!!!!!

it's back! it's back!
the one month of the year when we can eat fried green tomatoes for three meals a day and not feel bad about it!!  i am simply so excited. and i didn't even remember that it was this time of year until i was on my run this morning... at which point i stopped running and went to the donut store. no that's not true. but i intend on eating donuts a lot this month.
here is my 
2011 shameless list!
1. i am an instant coffee drinker
2. the picture up above: me and my new specs in front of a large piece of art that i shameless took from a trash pile on the street in the village and then shamelessly carried on the subway home with me.
3. christmas season starts now. elvis christmas, michael bublé christmas, sufjan christmas, get at me.
4. not having the patience to wash my new thrift store horsey shirt before wearing it
5. wearing leg warmers over skinny jeans
6. wanting something with shoulder pads
7. the five dollar halloween macaron from épicerie boulud that i ate yesterday
8. my new relationship with showers. this summer i got down to, like, one a week. now i'm up to a few more than that. but saving time on showers leaves more time for eating chocolate and making peanut butter cookies. 
9. head bobbing
10. egg custard buns from chinatown 
there it is!
start sending over your own shameless loves lists and i'll be happy to post them {should they not dip below the mildly inappropriate mark}
send them to:
happy no shame november, everyone!